I am now 28... I have outlived all my own life expectations, because at a young age I decided that when I got my drivers license at 16, it would prolly kill me... So far it hasn't, next up I was sure, at 18, that tobacco, porn, or gambling would do me in... Again, nothing. So finally at the ripe old age of like maybe...
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I go to school Monday through Friday. I work Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and all weekend... I know 14 credit hours is not so bad, and neither are 30 hour work weeks. In fact when I was deployed I worked 7 days a week, 20 hours a day for 8 months straight... I don't understand how I'm so exhausted now, when I worked so much deployed...
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because after 8 hours of running a shovel at the local bike jumps, I sure feel like I was hit, repeatedly, with aforementioned sack of hammers...
that awkward moment when your college professor reveals his birth date, and he is legitimately younger than you...
It's been 10 years. Over 1 million miles traveled. Fought with alcoholism, depression, anxiety, loneliness. Been to war. Worked a dozen jobs. Seen my fair share of hard work and sleepless nights. Had up's and downs, been kicked and beaten, battered and bruised. Had a family. And my very first college class, my 20-something professor tells the class " NONE of you know what real...
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I used to ride dirt bikes not long before my teenage years... I spent a lot of time on nice, groomed tracks. And very little time actually out trail riding. Well after dirt biking I moved onto a downhill mountain bike. I loved it. The freedom, the speed, the fact that it didn't require any extra fuel. So I have stuck with the mountain bike...
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I exploded my right foot over the weekend. Actually Friday evening to be specific. I'm so not happy about it.
if you "follow" me, and, and then "unfollow"??? me AS SOON As I follow you back... I'm going to "unfollow"?? You with a VENGEANCE!! Lol
it would appear I lost a follower today... Aaannnnddddd, over it. Lol