<div id="tt-widget-sky" class="tt-neutral" style="width:224px"><div class="tt-middle"><img src="http://pictures-e1.thumbtackstatic.com/pictures/277/fu74n48c0rpqrzu3_100.jpg" alt="Fantastical artwork" /><h4><a href="http://www.thumbtack.com/Fantastical-artwork-Arlington-Heights-IL/service/192917">Fantastical artwork</a></h4><p class="tt-byline">by Evil Toad Studios</p><p class="tt-description">Dont just hang art on your walls make art your walls.
Custom painted murals, dimensional relief murals big and small. On walls, doors and ceilings. From the traditional to the extreme.</p><div class="tt-tagline"><a href="http://www.thumbtack.com/Fantastical-artwork-Arlington-Heights-IL/service/192917">Questions? Comments? Requests? Get in touch.</a></div><a href="http://www.thumbtack.com/Fantastical-artwork-Arlington-Heights-IL/service/192917" class="tt-btn">Contact Now</a><div class="tt">Brought to you by <a href="http://www.thumbtack.com"><img src="http://cdn-1.thumbtackstatic.com/theme/ui/logo_tt_mini.png" alt="thumbtack.com" /></a></div></div></div><script type="text/javascript">(function(){var...
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I need volunteers for some life drawing. thats nude in case you don't know. i dont care who or what you look like i just need to have someone thats ok with sitting naked motionless for at least an hour at a time. i need to hone my skills and i would like a variety of people to draw. i have a few on my...
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there is so much pian the and despair in the world, find love and beauty in everything you can. Reguardless of faith we are here alone and together, so be excellent to each other.
Some days i just wake up in a shit mood. Today is one of those days.
Why is it that love can make you feel like you're on top of the world and in a pitt of dispair all at the same time... My soon the be x wanted and pushed for us to have an open relationship, to love whom ever we wanted. she was not jeallous and would share me blah blah blah. I wasn't too into it for...
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ATTN ARTISTS Looking for ppl to start an art group in the chicago west suburbs area for critique disscussion colaboration. Ctc me tom@eviltoadstudios.com
Damn basement flooding, i live in the basement, pain in the ass!