Tired, achy, happy,
So happy... today was wonderful...
Slept 4 hours, walked all around Vernon Hill, and still can type...
But going to bed, tired...
New picture... Zappa... yay... He's wonderful...
Project Object this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My birfday is in 11 days...
One last thing, from the movie "Head"...
We were speaking of belief; beliefs and conditioning. All belief possibly could be said to be the result of *some* conditioning. Thus, the study of history is simply the study of one belief system deposing another, and so on and so on and so on... A psychologically tested belief of our time is that the central nervous system, which feeds its impulses directly to the brain, conscious and subconscious, is unable to discern between the real, and the vividly imagined experience. If there is a difference, and most of us believe there is -am I being clear? For to examine these concepts requires tremendous energy and discipline. To experience the now, without preconception or beliefs, to allow the unknown to occur and to occur, requires clarity. And where there is clarity there is no choice. And where there is choice, there is misery. And why should anyone listen to me? Why should I speak, since I know nothing?

So happy... today was wonderful...
Slept 4 hours, walked all around Vernon Hill, and still can type...
But going to bed, tired...
New picture... Zappa... yay... He's wonderful...
Project Object this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My birfday is in 11 days...
One last thing, from the movie "Head"...
We were speaking of belief; beliefs and conditioning. All belief possibly could be said to be the result of *some* conditioning. Thus, the study of history is simply the study of one belief system deposing another, and so on and so on and so on... A psychologically tested belief of our time is that the central nervous system, which feeds its impulses directly to the brain, conscious and subconscious, is unable to discern between the real, and the vividly imagined experience. If there is a difference, and most of us believe there is -am I being clear? For to examine these concepts requires tremendous energy and discipline. To experience the now, without preconception or beliefs, to allow the unknown to occur and to occur, requires clarity. And where there is clarity there is no choice. And where there is choice, there is misery. And why should anyone listen to me? Why should I speak, since I know nothing?
what is this movie? i like that bit of dialogue...