It's early, and I really have alot to write.
This weekend was a good time. Hanging with Rae, Erin, Bri, Jivva, and Gilley was awesome. Bri, as cutnhalf had said, is not very bright. Last night, at Kenny's, she let a stray cat inside, which she had to chase, and then kept talking about it all night. (Side note: she had been playing asshole with the guys).
My friend Jonas keeps calling me at like 1:30 or 2:30 in the morning to see if I want to come over and do something. Right... something. If he wants to talk he needs to call me alot earlier than that. I'm pissed about that.
JV and I were very close to being no more. I have alot of issues that need to be fixed, just don't know how to do it, and *sigh* neither does he. It just sucks because I really do love him, and I don't want to lose him, but when I'm in that bad state of mind, I don't want to be with him. But I really do want to be with him. *sigh* Making any sense?
I have a test today that I haven't studied for. Not worried about it. SHIT I have no money for lunch. I'm so poor, and hungry. Oh, woe is me.
And now I hear a ringing....
My mother doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. I brought Rae, (Rachael), here for the first time, and my mother attacks me as soon as I walk thru the door. I hadn't been home since Thursday, and this was Sunday. She called me stupid infront of my best friend. Fucking douchebag.
I changed my picture, anyone like it? It's GIR from Invander Zim, and I love him, and he loves babies. HI BABIES!!!!!!!!!
And I will leave you with this, (I woke up with it in my head)
"I don't care as long as the bass lines thumping and the drum lines' banging away..." Thank you Black Thought and The Roots.
I put pictures up........
This weekend was a good time. Hanging with Rae, Erin, Bri, Jivva, and Gilley was awesome. Bri, as cutnhalf had said, is not very bright. Last night, at Kenny's, she let a stray cat inside, which she had to chase, and then kept talking about it all night. (Side note: she had been playing asshole with the guys).
My friend Jonas keeps calling me at like 1:30 or 2:30 in the morning to see if I want to come over and do something. Right... something. If he wants to talk he needs to call me alot earlier than that. I'm pissed about that.
JV and I were very close to being no more. I have alot of issues that need to be fixed, just don't know how to do it, and *sigh* neither does he. It just sucks because I really do love him, and I don't want to lose him, but when I'm in that bad state of mind, I don't want to be with him. But I really do want to be with him. *sigh* Making any sense?
I have a test today that I haven't studied for. Not worried about it. SHIT I have no money for lunch. I'm so poor, and hungry. Oh, woe is me.
And now I hear a ringing....
My mother doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. I brought Rae, (Rachael), here for the first time, and my mother attacks me as soon as I walk thru the door. I hadn't been home since Thursday, and this was Sunday. She called me stupid infront of my best friend. Fucking douchebag.
I changed my picture, anyone like it? It's GIR from Invander Zim, and I love him, and he loves babies. HI BABIES!!!!!!!!!
And I will leave you with this, (I woke up with it in my head)
"I don't care as long as the bass lines thumping and the drum lines' banging away..." Thank you Black Thought and The Roots.
I put pictures up........
Go Sox!!
<------ Johnny Damon

yeah i do the tap dance as well