The Ninja knows, that the most vulnerable state is that which passes directly after bathing. Yet, to let one's temple go to ruin would inadvertantly bring not only physical vulnerability, but mental as well. To lay on one's back in hopes of an old-dog-scratch while synanamously attempting to hide away as the turtle would is backwards action. The turtle dies slowly on its back, and the old dog is near death, regardless.
The moment after The Ninja exits the spring, Unclothed and Pure, is essential. Yet, his weapon not being within reach is a monumental hazard. Other Ninja would not think of an attack at that moment, as it would be far from code.
"Whereas the feet may wind rocky paths untread, if a man washes them, his whole body clean."
The Ninja knows, that the most vulnerable state is that which passes directly after bathing. Yet, to let one's temple go to ruin would inadvertantly bring not only physical vulnerability, but mental as well. To lay on one's back in hopes of an old-dog-scratch while synanamously attempting to hide away as the turtle would is backwards action. The turtle dies slowly on its back, and the old dog is near death, regardless.
The moment after The Ninja exits the spring, Unclothed and Pure, is essential. Yet, his weapon not being within reach is a monumental hazard. Other Ninja would not think of an attack at that moment, as it would be far from code.
"Whereas the feet may wind rocky paths untread, if a man washes them, his whole body clean."
you got fri.& sat. next week...who loves you?
