how can i grow a bigger tree by pulling up it's roots? does this town have anything to offer me, or is it the other way around. she said i wear my heart on my screen. its not true. i wear my heart in the trees. my heart knows how to make a ninja mask out of a black t-shirt. isetfires told me. my heart can solder its cords to potentiators and switches and mimic a normal heart. my heart beats wildly at the ends of monster fingernails and still believes in love. my heart has been badmouthed by stupid doctors and goodmouthed by other stupid doctors. my heart next to a bandana looks like something out of a movie. a rated R movie. where titties are and redrum. my heart is at the end of a rainbow and lucky charms fall out my mouth while my words about all this comes out like floral print and my heart is the glue for movies like barton fink to not happen. an old timer said guard your heart but that part i have not learned.
my heart is on the screen.

my heart is on the screen.

sassy frassy lassy never fits. But yeah, ween shizzles my nizzle.
i found your heart.