I've been getting audio work lately. As in a buddy O mine became the north american salesman for this company out of germany who built record cutting lathes (sp?) and he's been cutting records for local artists, and he's been paying me to build cd's to cut to vinyl. i guess there might be some mastering work soon which will pay even better, so its cool to finally get paid for my smarts rather than for my pizza making hands. also, i'll probably press some kind of record of my own stuff at some point.
tomorrow i hope to go put in my application for school. i've been putting it off forever. time to get it done. time to get it done. time to get it done goldarnit.
someone told me tonight that it was sick and pathetic to keep an online journal, and i said "is it sick if all you write about is gnomes and ninjas?" then i dumped her. so, on goes my stupid soap opera for those of you who know about it. the hardest thing about love is to admit to yourself what you want to deny. when its going shitty and you know its so bad for you, but you just can't accept it, holding onto an idea. when everyone can see it but you. but you secretly know. that sucks.
but i've been putting off things i want to acheive for myself, so if i'm strong and focus on what i want, i should be able to reach the goals. mable whines. she's shitting a lot because i fed her apples. and turkey. probably a bad combo.
maybe it is sick to have an online journal, i mean....this is shit that's supposed to be personal. but times are so different now. we're reinventing the shouldn't be reinvented daily. journals are supposed to be for ourselves. why have we gotten so lonely and weak that we need other people to approve of our thoughts even? i recognize that i wouldn't be writing this on fucking suicidegirls if i didn't want someone to see it. but its still for me, and i embrace my geekness. notice i didn't say geekiness. its different. to the leet. to the strong. when we're weak, its not wrong.......
have a good day, and
god bless all the little ninjas and gnomes.

tomorrow i hope to go put in my application for school. i've been putting it off forever. time to get it done. time to get it done. time to get it done goldarnit.
someone told me tonight that it was sick and pathetic to keep an online journal, and i said "is it sick if all you write about is gnomes and ninjas?" then i dumped her. so, on goes my stupid soap opera for those of you who know about it. the hardest thing about love is to admit to yourself what you want to deny. when its going shitty and you know its so bad for you, but you just can't accept it, holding onto an idea. when everyone can see it but you. but you secretly know. that sucks.
but i've been putting off things i want to acheive for myself, so if i'm strong and focus on what i want, i should be able to reach the goals. mable whines. she's shitting a lot because i fed her apples. and turkey. probably a bad combo.
maybe it is sick to have an online journal, i mean....this is shit that's supposed to be personal. but times are so different now. we're reinventing the shouldn't be reinvented daily. journals are supposed to be for ourselves. why have we gotten so lonely and weak that we need other people to approve of our thoughts even? i recognize that i wouldn't be writing this on fucking suicidegirls if i didn't want someone to see it. but its still for me, and i embrace my geekness. notice i didn't say geekiness. its different. to the leet. to the strong. when we're weak, its not wrong.......
have a good day, and
god bless all the little ninjas and gnomes.