Re-signed up for the site. I wonder if any of my mutuals are still active on here? Lol
This shampoo is weird. It makes my hair feel greasy and dirty immediately after I wash it, but a few hours later it feels clean (cleaner, anyways).
2-in-1 shampoos seem to be bad for my hair.
This sucks.
Back in Seoul but have limited funds for the next few weeks. I am sort of trapped in my hotel until then.
I have the right to be pissed off at someone who's treated me like crap recently.
I just slept through the entire evening. Way to waste a day, Ryan. Sigh.
I want to stop thinking about it. But I can’t.
I need to get back to work soon to get my mind off it.
I had a nightmare just now. I hate those.
I also dreamt about her.
No more sleep for me tonight, I guess.
So I took a nap, which seems to have made my nasty headache somewhat subside, then promptly hit my head in the shower, causing a brand new headache.
I guess I'll go for a run since I can't sleep. This is either going to exacerbate my headache or make it better. I guess we will find out...