So, have I ever told you the story of the stalker squirrel?
Okay, well... here goes...
Back in the day, I was working in this sign shop - awesome job, lots of creative people with great senses of humor. There was always at least some sort of joking around going on.
Well, one day, I'm in the main assembly room, and I look diagonally across to where one of the big vinyl cutters was - where this guy, Matt, was standing looking at the cutter. However, just beyond Matt, just outside the window that was to Matt's left, there was a squirrel pirched on the window sill, paws against the glass, staring intently at Matt.
Now, one thing you have to understand is that this window wasn't exactly easily accessible: it was in the middle of a sheer wall, with eight feet of wall around it in each direction. There was no roof nearby... nor any branches, let alone trees. So, basically, this squirrel had to've been extremely intent (and had mad ninja skills) to get there.
So, seeing this squirrel, and it's peculiar location, I whisper to Matt across the room: "Matt... don't move! There's a squirrel staring at you through the window!" To which, of course, Matt immediately responds by swinging around and looking out the window. In response to this action, the squirrel goes apeshit - starts screaming/screeching, clawing at the window, and puffs up to twice its normal size. Matt nearly shits himself and jumps back with a yelp. Everyone busts out laughing... and somehow, the squirrel disappears without anyone noticing.
So, without question, the next two hours were spent making squirrel jokes, recreating the scene with cartoons, and nicknaming Matt with various squirrel monikers.
However, later in the day - about five hours after the incident - Matt's sitting at his desk, and what should he look up to see in his window? (One that's on the other side of the office...)
The squirrel, staring, without movement, directly into Matt's eyes...
This creeped out Matt quite a bit, enough so that one of us had to escort him out of the building with a broom to help protect him.
Okay, well... here goes...
Back in the day, I was working in this sign shop - awesome job, lots of creative people with great senses of humor. There was always at least some sort of joking around going on.
Well, one day, I'm in the main assembly room, and I look diagonally across to where one of the big vinyl cutters was - where this guy, Matt, was standing looking at the cutter. However, just beyond Matt, just outside the window that was to Matt's left, there was a squirrel pirched on the window sill, paws against the glass, staring intently at Matt.
Now, one thing you have to understand is that this window wasn't exactly easily accessible: it was in the middle of a sheer wall, with eight feet of wall around it in each direction. There was no roof nearby... nor any branches, let alone trees. So, basically, this squirrel had to've been extremely intent (and had mad ninja skills) to get there.
So, seeing this squirrel, and it's peculiar location, I whisper to Matt across the room: "Matt... don't move! There's a squirrel staring at you through the window!" To which, of course, Matt immediately responds by swinging around and looking out the window. In response to this action, the squirrel goes apeshit - starts screaming/screeching, clawing at the window, and puffs up to twice its normal size. Matt nearly shits himself and jumps back with a yelp. Everyone busts out laughing... and somehow, the squirrel disappears without anyone noticing.
So, without question, the next two hours were spent making squirrel jokes, recreating the scene with cartoons, and nicknaming Matt with various squirrel monikers.
However, later in the day - about five hours after the incident - Matt's sitting at his desk, and what should he look up to see in his window? (One that's on the other side of the office...)
The squirrel, staring, without movement, directly into Matt's eyes...
This creeped out Matt quite a bit, enough so that one of us had to escort him out of the building with a broom to help protect him.
yes, homework homework, like writing a paper. so. this. is. absolutely. my. last. comment. of. the. night!

Ohmigod that's awesome! Squirrels. Gottaloveit
Now I'm stuck with the mental image of an apeshit squirrel all morning, and it's making me smirk - my coworkers are all gonna think I'm crazy. Oh nevermind, they're all crazy too.