What a frumpy mood...
Seattle was good, got kind of a late start but the timing was perfect. Came into a city that was being patiently marched through by fog. Walked off the bus into a smell of woodstoves and a feeling of detached nostalgia--the place looked familiar, but it was not the same city that I'd grown up in. The fog helped reinforce this dream-like feeling... one couldn't see beyond a hundred feet, and for all I know, I was walking around in some sci-fi dreamworld.
Drank a beer with A & J at the 74th St. Alehouse, then ran down to Golden Gardens to see fire spinning--alas, none could be found.
Went back to find A & J at another bar on Queen Anne, at which I ended up getting a free double whiskey... the first one I got had a couple of dead fruit flies in the bottom. I simply laughed and thought of worms in tequila...
Dropped J off at the boat, then went to the Triangle Tavern, where we got a massive pitcher of Mac 'n Jacks... minus A's one pint, the thing was assigned to be mine. After three pints, there remained enough for one more and a bit, so A decided to try to pass it off to our neighbors (females, numbering three). They didn't take the beer (so I "had" to...), but we were invited to sit with them. From Portland, one was up for a conference, the other two were along for the ride. A spent most of his time with the other two, I with the conference girl. One of those conversations that might well've never happened... It was quite funny to see A put in an inspiring effort to flirt with the two girls, as he hadn't realized that they were together. The girls clapped for joy when I asked them if they hated how PDX had become hipster-ville... though I don't think they realized I asked this out of reflection upon what's happened to Seattle in my lifetime. Besides... hipsters hate hipsters as it is... which is a great irony.
Woke up to the gentle rocking of the boat... it'd been a long time since I'd slept on a boat, and it was disarming but oddly comfortable. Wandered out and shortly thereafter went to breakfast with A up in the neighborhood that we grew up in. The fog had somewhat lifted, but the feeling of detached nostalgia remained.
And... here I am, contemplating it all, as if I'll find some hidden truth or insight within all the confusion of my thoughts. One thing is for certain, I've written more than enough.
What do you do when frumpy, fog-inspired moods come around?
(and don't worry, I'm not as sad as the post may imply... simply contemplative... "serious" if you may...)

Seattle was good, got kind of a late start but the timing was perfect. Came into a city that was being patiently marched through by fog. Walked off the bus into a smell of woodstoves and a feeling of detached nostalgia--the place looked familiar, but it was not the same city that I'd grown up in. The fog helped reinforce this dream-like feeling... one couldn't see beyond a hundred feet, and for all I know, I was walking around in some sci-fi dreamworld.
Drank a beer with A & J at the 74th St. Alehouse, then ran down to Golden Gardens to see fire spinning--alas, none could be found.

Went back to find A & J at another bar on Queen Anne, at which I ended up getting a free double whiskey... the first one I got had a couple of dead fruit flies in the bottom. I simply laughed and thought of worms in tequila...
Dropped J off at the boat, then went to the Triangle Tavern, where we got a massive pitcher of Mac 'n Jacks... minus A's one pint, the thing was assigned to be mine. After three pints, there remained enough for one more and a bit, so A decided to try to pass it off to our neighbors (females, numbering three). They didn't take the beer (so I "had" to...), but we were invited to sit with them. From Portland, one was up for a conference, the other two were along for the ride. A spent most of his time with the other two, I with the conference girl. One of those conversations that might well've never happened... It was quite funny to see A put in an inspiring effort to flirt with the two girls, as he hadn't realized that they were together. The girls clapped for joy when I asked them if they hated how PDX had become hipster-ville... though I don't think they realized I asked this out of reflection upon what's happened to Seattle in my lifetime. Besides... hipsters hate hipsters as it is... which is a great irony.
Woke up to the gentle rocking of the boat... it'd been a long time since I'd slept on a boat, and it was disarming but oddly comfortable. Wandered out and shortly thereafter went to breakfast with A up in the neighborhood that we grew up in. The fog had somewhat lifted, but the feeling of detached nostalgia remained.
And... here I am, contemplating it all, as if I'll find some hidden truth or insight within all the confusion of my thoughts. One thing is for certain, I've written more than enough.
What do you do when frumpy, fog-inspired moods come around?
(and don't worry, I'm not as sad as the post may imply... simply contemplative... "serious" if you may...)
Man, I don't get radtastic discounts at my not-so-shitty job! But then again, the places I'd like to get discounts at paid lousily, and the hours su-u-u-u-cked. So hey!
Here's to happy job situations!
no you can't even imagine!
I woke up and thought..
then my brained kicked in..
needless to say it needed some work..
wine and the reproduction of womanly parts
do not mix.
it was awful..
You should have seen my model of a placenta (labled) woohoo!
What to do when a frumpy, fog inspired mood comes around? Put on a vintage prom dress and tiara..
oh wait that might now work for you..
but at least it would make you laugh..
What kind of day is it today?
I saw something yesterday that would make a interesting picture..
going back with my camera
and then it's back to reading and studying for me.