man... i must've woken up on the right side of the bed this morning...
so, when you first plug into the 'net... what's the first site you go to usually?
for me... it's typically email. how boooorr-ring.

so, when you first plug into the 'net... what's the first site you go to usually?
for me... it's typically email. how boooorr-ring.

Wow, that impresses the hell out of me. Rare is the person, especially one who's a parent, who has their shit together enough to say "Hey, I don't like which way I'm headed - let's go back to formula and do it right." Especially when going in the right direction involves helping people half a world away.
Now I'm concocting a plan... one of our coworkers, the life of party, is out sick. I'm thinking when he's back up and running he'd love to help me put it into action. I gotta ask, what kind of cold soup? Easy is good!