Hello hello cats and kittens! After a late start last night and a long journey I have arrived in Philadelphia! I'm super excited to spend the weekend exploring the city and shooting with some really talented people.
The 16 hour train ride from Atlanta to Philly was fun, but my bum was definitely sore by the end of it. Since I left Atlanta at 10pm there wasn't much to look at, but when the sun came up somewhere in Virginia it was beautiful. I spent most of the ride reading and trying, but usually failing, to get some sleep.
Upon arriving at my hotel I immediately curled up under the blanket and took a much needed nap. Now that I'm refueled I'm ready to go out and experience the Philly nightlife!
Oh! And here's a few things from earlier this week. An American Apparel opened a few blocks from my place. Obvi had to go shopping.
Oh oh oh! I had the awesome pleasure of meeting the super adorable @alorali last week! She and Mauren Sparrow stopped by for a short, but sweet, little visit.
After that little visit @hephaestus_ and I spent a wonderful day in the park. It was beautiful! She's my favourite little Viking babe, just look how cute she is!
Also! Someone really awesome, and pretty hot, surprised me with the most amazing thing. The Blackmilk House Baratheon shooter. OURS IS THE FURY!!
It is seriously so comfy and I wanna live in it forever! I also received a few really excellent shots from a shoot earlier this year with Dark Stripe. I seriously love the lighting in these, and it was such a fun day!
And that's all for now folks! I'm sure I'll have all sorts of fun photos to drop on you all after these next 11 days of adventuring so stay tuned! And don't forget, my next set 'Galactica' drops in just five days!
Happy Hunting!