I had a dram that my long dead father and I were trying to see a new Star Trek film. I had organised to see the new Star Wars film (my dad got me into Star Wars when I was a kid, but I always preferred Star Trek. Yeah I know, chalk and cheese, but whatever) and somehow I screwed the session times up and it was on the same time he and I were supposed to see this new Trek film. He was humouring me by seeing it with me, and made a mad dash to get to the next session, and the cinema turned into this crazy shopping mall like monstrosity with no maps set in this arid desert environment.
We got lost and whenever we seemed like we found the cinema, some new pitfall befell us, like nearly getting hit by a bus.
If that's not a perfect blend of Jungina archetypes and Freudian imagery, I don't know what is.
I really thought my mind would be more sophisticated than that. heh.