On Sunday I discovered that my appendix was at near rupturing point.
After a week or so of feeling a bit crappy, with belly pains and what not, I was playing WoW, and the pain accelerated at a logarithmic rate. I lay down, and had nice wintery clothes on, and blankets etc and was shivering. I thin pressed my belly in the area that hurt and almost shot through the ceiling.
I immediately thought to myself "uh-oh" and called my sister to take me to the hospital. So after an hour of sitting in the ER waiting room with my mum, I got seen by the triage doctor and he was all "yeah you seem like you're presenting with acute appendicitis, lets take some bloods and do a scan". So I did that and the next thing I know I am being fitted for a cannula and admitted to the surgical ward for an emergency appendectomy.
By the time I actually got operated on it was the next day, and I was filled to the gills with oxycodone tablets and morphine injections.
I can now say I have had my first surgery. Well, my first surgery that I can remember, I had eye surgeries when I was a baby, but can't remember those.
I am quite sore and swollen but am glad to be back at home. I kept being woken up to have antibiotics pumped into me, or other obs taken, or the assorted beeps and alerts that a busy hospital ward has.
The drugs were nice though.