Yesterday the one girl I have feelings for got pissed at me because I openly express my feelings for her despite the fact that she only wants to be friends with me. She blocked me on Facebook, and today she said that she plans on blocking my phone number also. But then this morning I woke up to an Email from my Ex, wondering how I'm doing. Now, I know you might think, "Oh, the 2 of them are just talking behind your back and trying to fuck with you...." But the thing is that the 2 of them don't know each other, (my Ex who Emailed me) lives in California, is NOT on my Facebook, and there's no other way that the girl I have feelings for could've gotten ahold of the girl in Cali......SOOOOO, basically It's just the MOST coincidental timing EVER. Got my brain all like "WHAT. THE. FUCK...."
Well, when a girl says she only wants to be friends she means it. I've had to do the same: block people on FB, block their numbers, etc. It sucked because I hated losing a good friend.
Yeah, it does suck. But honestly I don't think I would handle it any differently if I coud do it over. For once in my life, I'm happy with the way I handled something and not tripping over losing out on a girl.