I'm so tired of my fucking job. I need to blow that shit up. Fuck it. Right in the ear. Why do I keep bitching and moaning about it? Because I can't find a job that'll pay me this much and I have to get out of debt and QUICK. Oh yeah, I foresee lots of work coming soon for my record label, so if...
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So today after filing many papers, I went down to my dad's house. A movie is being filmed there (starring Colin Farrel and Christian Bale, though I saw neither) about Pocahontas. It was pretty cool, they had the boats from Jamestown settlement out in the river and people in period dress everywhere. Because my dad lives there I got to just chill and watch. Pretty...
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dude! that's friggen awesome! biggrin
they filmed the scene from ocean's 11 where the guys are at the dog track's down a little bit away from here. i didn't go.. but uhh.. yeah..
Ahhhh....what a long day. I feel like I'm saying the same thing everyday but then it's not like my thoughts are evolving everyday doing such mundane, mind-numbing work. I hope that this shit ends soon with me either winning the lottery or blowing something up. puke frown
hey sweetie thanks for th comment on my new set... im glad you liked it... kiss i want to win the lottery too that would be so great
HELLS YES! biggrin
So some stuff happened this weekend. Must not have been important because I remember none of it. I think I mostly watched tv and played video games. Well that and some cleaning. Oh well.
Cleaning is allways fun whatever my weekend was ok not much happend. wink xoxoxo later
It just hasn't been my month. Days like today make me not want to get up tomorrow. What the hell is wrong with these people or is it me?

What is the purpose of overloading someone with work? You know the person that's supposed to help them isn't helping (you always say so) but you keep giving more work. Do you think they (I) are...
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How bout in the ear? I don't know where their mouths have been. I wish I still worked with kids. I used to be a lead teacher at a daycare, that was awesome. Umm...the easiest way to find out your name on soulseek...hmm....I guess you could create a chat room and then your name would be the only name in it.
maryland! far too cold for me. i couldn't handle it! i'm not a florida native, but i've been here too long, and i'm far too adjusted to the climate to move that far north in one shot. i was thinking about chicago. i haven't really checked out the climate, but my best friend is moving there, so i might just go with her. i'm not sure though. surreal

ANYHOO, i found my name on slsk, it's jewcy too. biggrin
Damn this thing. What a crappy day. Two free meals though, guess it wasn't a total loss. More updates to come.
YES! i love it when i don't have to pay for food. i had a free bagel at work today and it made my day. biggrin
Started watching "The Power of Myth" (Joseph Campbell) again. Damn all of that information is mindblowing when he just lays it out. It's humbling when someone can offer perspective on that kind of information.

I'm not really sure what else to say. I think I'm going to go enjoy some X-Games with my headphones on.

Thanks for the newswire submission. Unfortunately we had already run a story on that subject, so we weren't able to use yours. We appreciate your taking the time to write something though, and hope to see more submissions from you in the future.
What a bad fucking day. Everyone needs to eat my fucking dick. End of entry. mad
Ok, quick update because I'm drunk and wish to go watch tv.

Started writing a new book today (look for updates).

Made a new friend.

Ate for free because I won trivia at buffalo wild wings (beat a co-worker = free drinks/food).


*edited Aug. 5 to fix a misspelling. Edited again Aug. 5 to let everyone know that I put a pic of my...
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I LOVE BAR TRIVIA! biggrin i played a couple months ago at my mom's birthday thing and there were all these creepy old guys that totally beat me. mad

good luck on your book! biggrin
Wow. Today has been an incredibly shitty day. Woke up early to take all of my 9 animals somewhere to be boarded while the house was sprayed for fleas. It was only supposed to be sprayed.

Come home, load up the animals, come home - there is a fine powder everywhere. Seems the "exterminator" was trying to kill me and my animals as well. He...
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i remember seeing something about that on sg, but i couldn't load the video because my computer sucks and it froze up. mad

danzig rules!
hi just wanted to let you know i had a great time a the show biggrin