I hate the fact that I can't find a fucking job worth a shit. I keep going to all of these interviews and it is the same story, "we'll call within the next couple of weeks" or "You know, we just hired some people... they might not all work out and if so, we'll call you" or "We need a full timer from 9 - 5" and of course I go to school on Tuesday and Thursday so I can't do that. I seems like every bar in this town doesn't want tattooed people working there, or it's so punk that you have to be a junkie to work there. Anyhow, that is how my life is going lately and it is obviously reflecting in my attitude! If anyone has any suggestions for me... please comment. Or if your in to road bicycles buy some of my shit on E'bay. My tag name is the same as here. timebomb0603 (which is my cat that died in June of 2003) incase anyone was wondering. Have a nice day or night.
I'll have to agree with everyone on the whole job hunting sucks thing. I graduated this summer and i hate job hunting so much that i havent even bothered starting yet.
Are you back?
Or am I hallucinating?