Sometimes, ya just got ta walk right out into the fresh air, with out worrying about being eaten by giant radioactive hamsters. I know, it's kinda hard ta get over, but sometimes, just sometimes, that pint of ice cream is worth it....
oh!!!!! im sooooo agree with youlovelovelove

Huh? Oh yeah, danger is hiding behind the crow's nest....

Hmm, it's a strange night. I wont be counting sheep, for fear they may eat me. All around is quite, deep into the soul of a lost cause, blue wit' thoughts of chickens to scare to boogeyman away. Them feathers get him everytime. Airplanes fly overhead, and remind me of hidden continents, sleeping beneath the...
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Thanks for the happy birthday. I hope you are good. I'm going out for drinks with kimmy so it should be a good birthday!


a hint of blue on the horizon......

Truth with a nothing left in the middle, all the confusion drained out in a former passing phase. Questions as to the nature of this problem fall on deaf ears. No one really wants to know what's really going on, that would only complicate things.... best to be lost in the Ocean, adrift on the dreams of thousands......

...with the kung fu chicken style....

While I wait for my destiny to show it's filthy self, I will abide my time. Truth has it's pupose's, but it is unfortunately rather....complicated. Most people would rather you lie to there faces..... It's makes them uncomfortable to know the why.... It tells them things about themselves they would rather keep hidden.
The truth has a way of...
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