15 comment = new blog
Where did I leave off....
Did have dinner with the rents. Had some ham. Brought some home with me.
Found out that even my parents are watching Heros.
Work, first day back. There were only a handful of people there. Some took Monday off for their Rememberence Day. Read my mail. Did some work. Went home. Watched Heros.
Work. Read.
More work. At home now.
Funny conversations I have had with co-workers:
co-worker: It has been quite around here while you have been gone.
Me: Hahaha... I change that. Time to bring the productivity of everyone down a notch.
co-worker: BBQ chicken this week?
Me: Hell yeah!
co-worker: Now when I say "Someone is beating on a train" what comes to your mind?
Me: *laughter*
co-worker: What if I said "Someone is hitting on a train"?
Me: *more laughter*
co-worker1: If I ever become a zombie, you have full permission to punch me in the face.
Me: AH! He is a zombie!
co-worker1: Don't get sleep deprivation confused with zombification.
Me: If ever become a zombie, you guys don't have permission to hit me in the face.
co-worker2: Shotgun to the face?
Me: No.
co-worker1: Hit you with a car?
Me: No.
co-worker2: Bomb?
Me: No.
co-worker1: Lock you in a room where you cannot get out?
Me: That is fair.
co-worker2: But you will be enternally hungry! You will be all like "Brains, BRAINS" forever.
co-worker1: Do zombies ever get full decomposed if there are left out too long and die off?
co-worker1: What is the difference between a lawyer and a sperm?
Me: Did you say worm?
co-worker2: No he said sperm.
Me: No I heard sperm. The difference between a worm and a sperm?
co-worker: I am telling you that *censored for work realated stuff*
Me: Did you say talling?
co-worker: Did you get some hear trauma while you were in Austin?
Me: I want to say something about a prostitute here, but I think it might be inapproperate...
Ahhh... I work for the best company ever.
Have a great day readers!
Where did I leave off....
Did have dinner with the rents. Had some ham. Brought some home with me.

Work, first day back. There were only a handful of people there. Some took Monday off for their Rememberence Day. Read my mail. Did some work. Went home. Watched Heros.

Work. Read.
More work. At home now.
Funny conversations I have had with co-workers:
co-worker: It has been quite around here while you have been gone.
Me: Hahaha... I change that. Time to bring the productivity of everyone down a notch.

co-worker: BBQ chicken this week?
Me: Hell yeah!
co-worker: Now when I say "Someone is beating on a train" what comes to your mind?
Me: *laughter*
co-worker: What if I said "Someone is hitting on a train"?
Me: *more laughter*
co-worker1: If I ever become a zombie, you have full permission to punch me in the face.
Me: AH! He is a zombie!
co-worker1: Don't get sleep deprivation confused with zombification.
Me: If ever become a zombie, you guys don't have permission to hit me in the face.
co-worker2: Shotgun to the face?
Me: No.
co-worker1: Hit you with a car?
Me: No.
co-worker2: Bomb?
Me: No.
co-worker1: Lock you in a room where you cannot get out?
Me: That is fair.
co-worker2: But you will be enternally hungry! You will be all like "Brains, BRAINS" forever.
co-worker1: Do zombies ever get full decomposed if there are left out too long and die off?
co-worker1: What is the difference between a lawyer and a sperm?
Me: Did you say worm?
co-worker2: No he said sperm.
Me: No I heard sperm. The difference between a worm and a sperm?
co-worker: I am telling you that *censored for work realated stuff*
Me: Did you say talling?
co-worker: Did you get some hear trauma while you were in Austin?
Me: I want to say something about a prostitute here, but I think it might be inapproperate...
Ahhh... I work for the best company ever.

Have a great day readers!

Thank you! 

Hello hello. Yes, I'm back... and you still haven't updated! LoL. I hope all is going well this week for you - don't freeze out there!