This is no fun anymore.
I'm in a funk.
I'm a 32 year old animator who is stuck working in a Whole Foods with people who have less of an education, less experience, less talent, less drive, and i'm make the same amount of money as they are, serving the the same food to the same moronic customers. i life with my wife in a house in the 'hood. I love my wife dearly, and everything with her is great, but everything else feels like shit.
Everything i draw feels like a job. I haven't worked on my animation in weeks. I've been touching up the outline for my tv script here and there, but i really need to get to writing a rough draft of the screenplay and i just haven't felt inspired to do so. Writing 6 episodes is a daunting task anyway, but when you feel like everything you do is already futile, that just makes it worse. I have so many ideas that would probably come out great, but i'm finding it hard to see the point of doing them. I have almost no interest in fan art, mostly because to me that's just a kind of pandering that's all about getting recognition and money. i'm not a fan of anything popular, animation-wise, and (at least at this point) i have no desire to just draw something from say, Bleach, just to get some goofy fanboys/girls to squeal at Ichigo.
I really don't know what i'm supposed to do. Do i look for new inspiration, or wait for it to come around the corner randomly? Or do i just (to use an obscure reference) "swing the sword until my head is clear?"
I hope things turn around for you a little bit and motivation peeks its head into your life.