So in order for me to do well at school, i have to produce utter garbage, because quality takes too much time. I just nearly killed myself to get a project done on time and because i didn't put the digital file in my teacher's folder at EXACTLY the right time ( i was late by LITERALLY thirty seconds), i have a zero.
So i'll just be nice and half assed and put in no effort at all for these projects, just do the bare minimum, and i'll pass and get the fuck out of here. Why should i put in so much effort if it takes too long and the teacher won't take something just because i needed a few more SECONDS?????????? I can't believe i pay for this shit.
Fee: I very likely will not put the sets back up. As for the story of how Cairo and i met, click here!
(edit): Oops, forgot one. Fave non-sexual thing to do with her? The other night we were just hanging out, barely talking, just laying with each other and staring at the ceiling while some music played and i ate a popsicle. That was bliss right there.
Saintinsomniac: I am still planning on going to ECC. Not sure my ride situation will accomodate another preson, but i can ask and see. Before you ask, no, you can definitely NOT share a tent with me and Cairo.
As usual, i'm taking questions. Ask me anything (and i really do mean ANYTHING) and i'll answer it as honestly as possible in my next entry.

So i'll just be nice and half assed and put in no effort at all for these projects, just do the bare minimum, and i'll pass and get the fuck out of here. Why should i put in so much effort if it takes too long and the teacher won't take something just because i needed a few more SECONDS?????????? I can't believe i pay for this shit.
Fee: I very likely will not put the sets back up. As for the story of how Cairo and i met, click here!
(edit): Oops, forgot one. Fave non-sexual thing to do with her? The other night we were just hanging out, barely talking, just laying with each other and staring at the ceiling while some music played and i ate a popsicle. That was bliss right there.
Saintinsomniac: I am still planning on going to ECC. Not sure my ride situation will accomodate another preson, but i can ask and see. Before you ask, no, you can definitely NOT share a tent with me and Cairo.

As usual, i'm taking questions. Ask me anything (and i really do mean ANYTHING) and i'll answer it as honestly as possible in my next entry.

Sorry to hear school is jerking you around.
What would you study if you had the time and resources to be a scholar just for the hell of it?