I missed both of my classes today. I was up all night trying to finish an assignment for one of them (i have GOT to stop procrastinating...) and my body just quit on me. So i emailed both of my teachers today and informed them of my pending absence, which i'm sure will be fine for Character and Object Design because i've never even been late, but the Flash class is going to be weird. For one, it's my third absence, which means i can't miss anymore. For two, my teacher THINKS that it's my fourth because she's conveniently forgotten that i WASN'T REGISTERED FOR THE CLASS THE FIRST WEEK!!! No matter mow often i remind her, she still thinks that i was just absent those first two classes. Even when i show her, in her own book, btw, that the roster she was given by the school for the first week DOESN'T HAVE ME IN IT!! I doubt her ability anyway... she doesn't even know the prerequisites for her own class, not to mention the fact that her english is iffy at best (she's Korean, and i don't think she's been in the states very long). Chalk up another point for AI for hiring an A-list teacher. </sarcasm>
Anyway, i collapsed. I was mostly unconscious until Cairo called me at 5 pm. Then i finally got up, drank a LOT of water, showered and went to the store to get pasta (real meal still pending, but the ice cream i also picked up was very good to get my blood sugar back up to normal). So i have to eat and then work some, so that i can go to my one class tomorrow (Flash) and explain AGAIN that i only have three absences, and am not to the point of being manditorily dropped.
Now for something else... this past weekend i had the whole time off, so Cairo and i finally got to spend some real quality time together for the first time in WAY too long. It was so nice to have her all to myself again... i just wish i hadn't fallen asleep during Mirrormask, cuz that movie is really cool. Sunday we went to Katsucon for like, 3 hours, which isn't really her thing, but she was gracious enough to go along with it. During that time we saw just about everyone there who i'd actually have liked to see, checked out the dealers' room with no badges because my old roommate Tex is on staff and let us in via the guise of "VIP's." *snicker* I got my artbook for the con (a personal rule) Cairo bought me a sake set (which i totally did not expect, and which made me feel really loved... again) and i got her a flying vibrating hamster (no, seriously). After a nap we went back to Baltimore and when to Sushi Hana, which, i have to say is some of the best sushi i've had in a REALLY long time. We even found stuff that *she* liked!

Oh and i didn't elbow her the WHOLE weekend! But she did kick me in the face while we were *ahem* sleeping. Maybe it's revenge.
Anyway, time to cook. I haven't eaten anything substantial in about 16 hours. Yikes...

I dunno...you're not the only one who said that but I have no idea why someone could find a grumpy monster of hangoverness cute 

hehe. you're crazy nekked parents