Hmm... haven't updated in a bit so here's what's going on with me lately...
I'm going to be quitting my job after the new year, assuming another restaurant will hire me. I've got my eye on a couple of places so we'll see what develops.
My photographer has some ideas for me and Cairo and also for the two of us together (rawr!) so we'll see what happens with that as well. Should be fun once we get it all planned out. I haven't modeled in a while and i kinda miss it, but i hate *trying* to. I'd rather just do it for fun, cuz then everything's a lot looser and everybody relaxes and we're not worried about so many details. Seems to me that things just fall into place that way. We also take WAY more pictures and they're more fun to pick thru than the few you try to get perfect. I've found you actually get a lot more good shots when you don't try as hard to get a perfect one. Anyway i miss gtting naked for all you lovely people so hopefully that'll all work out soon.
School's not bad; the quarter's almost over and i'm in the midst of final projects, plus i'm REALLY doing my damndest to get some of my owed artwork out. So if i owe you art and you know that it's already started, give me a deadline and i'll push for it. If we talked about me drawing you and there's no evidence that i've already started, let me know if you still want it and i'll get started (oh lord, i've gone and done it now... ^_^;;;;; ).
The cat is steadily going crazier, methinks. He's used to being able to go outdoors and since he's trapped in our apartment he's getting hyper and i think in his little kitty mind, he's pretending that the house is a new kind of surreal forest (like, the couch is a cave and the lamp is a skinny tree, stuff like that).
I have to make one more maquette, for my sculpture final. I want to do a REALLY hot girl, but i'm having a little trouble coming up with something. Should i base it on a SG? If you think so, which one? Cairo naturally comes to my mind, but i'd like to hear other suggestions too. I'm trying to think outside the box a little.
Guess that's all for now. Looking forward to the end of the month, for reasons other than leaving the job.
Hopefully a Suburban.
You are way overdue for an update.