(this has nothing to do wit the previous entry... that rant is long gone, mostly because i ranted to friends in person instead of thru a journal online. so, on to other things...)
I'm getting really tired of people coming to me with the same problems over and over again, asking the same questions, getting the same advice i've given them before, only to ignore this advice and go thru the same problems over and over again. I know that i'm an old hardhead, but i DO listen and i do take advice, so what;s the deal with these others, or this one in particular? Hell, she's given ME advice that i've followed, so why can't she listen to me?
Maybe i should just pass this off as silly youth making the typical youthful mistakes. Just pisses me off to watch people get hurt repeatedly. I mean, maybe i'm wrong, but i feel like i'm watching this person go thru the same shit all over again with a person who's established a track record of hurting her, but she just refuses to stay out of harm's way. I'm usually an optimist and i hope that i'm totally wrong and that he's being genuine, but i just don't see it.
And if i AM right, then i'm afraid i can't be nice and say "there there, it'll be alright." I'm too far past that now. Actually the way i feel right now i want to cut this girl off again like i did before and just let her go on her merry way and get hurt and learn her own lesson the hard way.
"Don't go near that snake... it's poisonous and it'll bite you. It's bitten you once already and you ended up in the hospital."
"No, it's ok... i'll just be its friend. It won't bite me this time."
I mean, it doesn't get more simple that that, does it? Maybe it injected "stupid serum" with the first bite. In the meantime i've got my own stuff to ponder so i can't afford to be wasting my energy telling with other people how to clean up their messes. Especially when they won't do it anyway.
Miss you.
I've been down that road before. At some point you just have to pull up and say "I'm done, come back and talk to me when you're ready to consider what I have to say." Put a moratorium on talking with your friend about that particular issue, for your own sanity if nothing else. One of these days he'll come to his senses.