let's play 100 questions. thank you to Quinne for the list. answer as many or few as you like. here we go!
1. First grade teacher's name: Ms. Schrader. the scarey thing is, i almost couldn't remember!
2. Last person you kissed: seth
3. Last words you said: "oh yeah? did it start raining?"
4. Last song you sang: 'smokin in the boy's room' by the crue
5. Last person you hugged: i think it was papawheelie. i which case that means i haven't hugged anyone for 2 days. which sucks. someone come break the trend?
6. Last thing you laughed at: my neighbor who stands outside his door on his cellphone, and who has a really deep voice and says everything three times in ebonics really fast.
8. What's in your CD player:: 'garden state', 'the soft pink truth', 'M.I.A.'
9. What socks are you wearing? socks?
10. What's under your bed: everything! i have a loft bed.
11. Current status: huh? alive and kicking.
12. Current taste: emo meets neo-tribal-techno-hippy
13. ok, some of these are stupid, so i'm skipping them...
16. Current longing: for my love to be requited. since that's pointless, i'll say internal happiness.
17. Current desktop pic: a drawing of me as tigerlily done by Q
18. Current worry: that i'll never find a life partner or my life's vocation and i'll die poor and alone. you know, minor stuff.
19. Current hate: usually i wouldn't go down that road, but i feel entitled to say: my housemates
20. Story behind your user name: tigerlily was an ex's pet name for me, and i always really liked it. i chose it for SG because it's sweet and dangerous and sounds a little white trash. also because i use flower essences, and tigerlily essence is for non-competitive relating between females, which is what SG is all about.
21. Current favorite article of clothing:my new rocker belt.
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: eyes, back, chest, hair
23. Last CD that you bought: i haven't in ages because people have been burning them for me. the last burned one was radiohead.
24. Favorite place to be: my family's camp on Square Pond in Acton, Maine
25 Least favorite place to be: right now, my house.
29. Current favorite word/saying: judge not lest ye be judged
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my gram
35. Favorite day: today
36. Where do you want to go: baja
37. What is your career going to be: i wish i knew
39. What kind of car will you have: 1933 ford model T pickup
41. A random lyric: 'i'd rather be workin for a paycheck, than waiting to win the lottery'
47. Your heritage: english, scottish, irish, welsh
48. The shoes you wore today: shiny satiny pink ballerina flats
57. Your most missed companion: dov
58. Your perfect pizza: goat cheese with pesto, mushrooms and olives.
59. Sweet and chewy or salty and crunchy? salty and crunchy of course
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: yerba mate please
65. Smoke: yes. but i'm not saying what
68. Take a shower everyday: no. but i do usually take a bath.
69. Have a crush: no
71. Think you've been in love: duh.
73. Want more than what you got: i try to be grateful for what i have but, in some respects, yes.
74. Want to get married: yes
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes
76. Think you're attractive: on my good days
77. Think you're a health freak: i'm health conscious
78. Get along with your parents: yes
79. Play an instrument: if my scratchy fiddling counts as playing, then, yes
80. drink: yes
81. smoke: yes
82. done a drug: yes
83. made out: yes
84. go on a date: no
85. eaten an entire box of oreos:
86. eaten sushi: vegan sushi, yes!
87. been dumped: my living situation has felt like being dumped every day, so, yes.
88. made homemade cookies: no. i should do that.
89. been in love:
90. gone skinny dipping: yes
91. dyed your hair: gee, what do you think?
been caught cheating: no
95. been called a tease: yes. he was an asshole.
96. gotten beaten up: when i was 5
97. changed who you were to fit in: yup
98. cried at something beautiful: of course. this is me we're talkin about.
99. spent too much money on something you didn't need: i've spent too much money, but i'm not sure it qualified as something i didn't NEED.
100. cried when someone died: i should hope so.
jesus. most of those were really stupid. if you've read this far, you deserve a lollypop.
1. First grade teacher's name: Ms. Schrader. the scarey thing is, i almost couldn't remember!

2. Last person you kissed: seth
3. Last words you said: "oh yeah? did it start raining?"
4. Last song you sang: 'smokin in the boy's room' by the crue
5. Last person you hugged: i think it was papawheelie. i which case that means i haven't hugged anyone for 2 days. which sucks. someone come break the trend?

6. Last thing you laughed at: my neighbor who stands outside his door on his cellphone, and who has a really deep voice and says everything three times in ebonics really fast.
8. What's in your CD player:: 'garden state', 'the soft pink truth', 'M.I.A.'
9. What socks are you wearing? socks?
10. What's under your bed: everything! i have a loft bed.

11. Current status: huh? alive and kicking.
12. Current taste: emo meets neo-tribal-techno-hippy
13. ok, some of these are stupid, so i'm skipping them...
16. Current longing: for my love to be requited. since that's pointless, i'll say internal happiness.
17. Current desktop pic: a drawing of me as tigerlily done by Q
18. Current worry: that i'll never find a life partner or my life's vocation and i'll die poor and alone. you know, minor stuff.

19. Current hate: usually i wouldn't go down that road, but i feel entitled to say: my housemates
20. Story behind your user name: tigerlily was an ex's pet name for me, and i always really liked it. i chose it for SG because it's sweet and dangerous and sounds a little white trash. also because i use flower essences, and tigerlily essence is for non-competitive relating between females, which is what SG is all about.
21. Current favorite article of clothing:my new rocker belt.
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: eyes, back, chest, hair
23. Last CD that you bought: i haven't in ages because people have been burning them for me. the last burned one was radiohead.
24. Favorite place to be: my family's camp on Square Pond in Acton, Maine
25 Least favorite place to be: right now, my house.
29. Current favorite word/saying: judge not lest ye be judged
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my gram
35. Favorite day: today
36. Where do you want to go: baja
37. What is your career going to be: i wish i knew
39. What kind of car will you have: 1933 ford model T pickup
41. A random lyric: 'i'd rather be workin for a paycheck, than waiting to win the lottery'
47. Your heritage: english, scottish, irish, welsh
48. The shoes you wore today: shiny satiny pink ballerina flats
57. Your most missed companion: dov
58. Your perfect pizza: goat cheese with pesto, mushrooms and olives.
59. Sweet and chewy or salty and crunchy? salty and crunchy of course
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: yerba mate please

65. Smoke: yes. but i'm not saying what
68. Take a shower everyday: no. but i do usually take a bath.
69. Have a crush: no

71. Think you've been in love: duh.
73. Want more than what you got: i try to be grateful for what i have but, in some respects, yes.
74. Want to get married: yes
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes
76. Think you're attractive: on my good days
77. Think you're a health freak: i'm health conscious
78. Get along with your parents: yes
79. Play an instrument: if my scratchy fiddling counts as playing, then, yes
80. drink: yes
81. smoke: yes
82. done a drug: yes
83. made out: yes
84. go on a date: no
85. eaten an entire box of oreos:

86. eaten sushi: vegan sushi, yes!
87. been dumped: my living situation has felt like being dumped every day, so, yes.
88. made homemade cookies: no. i should do that.
89. been in love:

90. gone skinny dipping: yes

91. dyed your hair: gee, what do you think?
been caught cheating: no
95. been called a tease: yes. he was an asshole.
96. gotten beaten up: when i was 5
97. changed who you were to fit in: yup
98. cried at something beautiful: of course. this is me we're talkin about.
99. spent too much money on something you didn't need: i've spent too much money, but i'm not sure it qualified as something i didn't NEED.
100. cried when someone died: i should hope so.
jesus. most of those were really stupid. if you've read this far, you deserve a lollypop.

2. Last person you kissed: Wes
4. Last song you sang: 'Knights In White Satin'
5. Last person you hugged: Nat, she's so stressed about our project that I had to comfort her!
6. Last thing you laughed at: Chris standing on Hiske's feet then falling off (an acrobatic move.......of some sort)
8. What's in your CD player:: Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt
10. What's under your bed: Suitcases and porn
11. Current status: Single and breathing
12. Current taste: Let's see......indie vs flapper vs boho vs Sloaney
16. Current longing: The man who I have known for so long. Happiness. To pass my first year at uni.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: A new Sgt. Pepper style jacket. Just call me Ringo baby, love, love me do.
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: Eyes, hair, arse, nose
23. Last CD that you bought: It was really old compilation album from a charity shop.
24. Favorite place to be: The gardens at dawn.
29. Current favorite word/saying: Brutal
35. Favorite day: Every day
41. A random lyric: 'Always, I know, you'll be at my show, watching, waiting, comiserating'.
47. Your heritage: Scottish, Irish, German
48. The shoes you wore today: Tan riding boots
65. Smoke: yes, ocassionally
68. Take a shower everyday: Yes.
69. Have a crush: Yes
71. Think you've been in love: No.
74. Want to get married: yes
78. Get along with your parents: yes
80. drink: yes
81. smoke: yes
82. done a drug: nicotine and alcohol count? Other than that no.
83. made out: yes
84. go on a date: yes
96. gotten beaten up: Er.........yes. That is why I dumped him.
97. changed who you were to fit in: yup
98. cried at something beautiful: Yes.
100. cried when someone died: of course.
[Edited on May 12, 2005 3:05PM]