My girl calls me the even keel guy so this is a very unlikely post for me. If you like to see me rant read on!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
There is this nitwit at work, let's call him Henry because that is his name. He is in his mid 30s but acts like a middle school twit. He has cozied up with this other guy that no one respects and treats everyone with disdain. What he does not know is that everyone from the top down hates them both. Yesterday I made him feel "bad" because I was harsh with some criticism for his buddy (by the way that is part of my job). He decided to confront me. You have to know that I outrank him, so doing something like that is not a good idea. He wanted me to apologize to his buddy. He screamed at me and acted like a spoiled brat. He was rude to one of the young ladies when she inadvertly walked into the room we were in. I let him have his say and disagreed and refused to apologize. I was mostly calm and professional. What I really wanted to do was reach across the table and shake the snot out of the idiot. I had to seek the young lady and apologize to her for Henry. She thanked me and rolled her eyes when I mentioned Henry. So he continues to make friends. Assholes need to find their own country where they can live in their asshole-ness.
Now that I have ranted enough...I need to go and meditate or listen to Minor Threat.
I lol'ed.