This Issue: Kicking Ass and Breaking Rules
In my continuing effort to keep Ash mollified, here's the seasonal update.
Midterms kept my noggin in the books for a solid week, during which I lived on little more than PBJ's and caffeine. Brings back memories of my first trip through college, only without downing a 6-pack of craptastic beer every night. The investment paid off though: aced all three exams. This is the "kicking ass" part of the post. My apologies to those who expected tossed viscera and Freddyesque bloodletting.
So, I have a few rules when it comes to seeing someone. No one under 25 is the first, since ladies of that age tend to be far from settled in life, and, really, no one of that age has a clue as far as their lives go. And, really, at this point under 30 is chancy. Second, nothing long distance. I've done it before, and it just plain sucks. Hell with it.
Clearly, you can see where this is going.
She and I met online, in EverQuest, 7 or 8 years ago. She being mid-teens and me being, er, 30ish, there was nothing there, of course. We became friends and stayed friends off and on as the years rolled by. We first met at DragonCon 1.5 years ago, and again last year, and still relationshipping never occurred to us, in large part because she had a b/f at the time (who, amusingly enough, also lives in NC -- she's in FL).
Those two parted ways, and she and I started talking...a lot. Turns out we have quite alot in common, from music and gaming to fetishistic inclinations. Given the rules above, I was in NO WAY inclined to pursue romantic entanglements, despite my brother's hilarious suggestion that I should "woo" her (my brother is a long-haired heavy metal loving muscle car mechanic -- picture that talking about wooing like he's Cyrano de Bergerac).
Then she claimed me and I was undone.
I'm not sure we'll see each other before the con this year. She's finishing school (art and video game design), and I may be heading into a nursing program for 14 intense months. But hell, no one in the area is of interest or available*, and through contacts I might net her a job up this way. Hell with it, life is short, take a chance right?
We'll see how this goes.
*Obvious exceptions such as Flux, Emi, and Al, but it's not like I have them on speed-dial.
In my continuing effort to keep Ash mollified, here's the seasonal update.
Midterms kept my noggin in the books for a solid week, during which I lived on little more than PBJ's and caffeine. Brings back memories of my first trip through college, only without downing a 6-pack of craptastic beer every night. The investment paid off though: aced all three exams. This is the "kicking ass" part of the post. My apologies to those who expected tossed viscera and Freddyesque bloodletting.
So, I have a few rules when it comes to seeing someone. No one under 25 is the first, since ladies of that age tend to be far from settled in life, and, really, no one of that age has a clue as far as their lives go. And, really, at this point under 30 is chancy. Second, nothing long distance. I've done it before, and it just plain sucks. Hell with it.
Clearly, you can see where this is going.
She and I met online, in EverQuest, 7 or 8 years ago. She being mid-teens and me being, er, 30ish, there was nothing there, of course. We became friends and stayed friends off and on as the years rolled by. We first met at DragonCon 1.5 years ago, and again last year, and still relationshipping never occurred to us, in large part because she had a b/f at the time (who, amusingly enough, also lives in NC -- she's in FL).
Those two parted ways, and she and I started talking...a lot. Turns out we have quite alot in common, from music and gaming to fetishistic inclinations. Given the rules above, I was in NO WAY inclined to pursue romantic entanglements, despite my brother's hilarious suggestion that I should "woo" her (my brother is a long-haired heavy metal loving muscle car mechanic -- picture that talking about wooing like he's Cyrano de Bergerac).
Then she claimed me and I was undone.
I'm not sure we'll see each other before the con this year. She's finishing school (art and video game design), and I may be heading into a nursing program for 14 intense months. But hell, no one in the area is of interest or available*, and through contacts I might net her a job up this way. Hell with it, life is short, take a chance right?
We'll see how this goes.
*Obvious exceptions such as Flux, Emi, and Al, but it's not like I have them on speed-dial.

I have taken Tai Chi before...twice actually and it really does wonders...but its RELAXING...and i need to get out some agression!
Havign health issues makes me angry sometimes...and I am thinking that working out or kickboxing will be better for me!
Thank you for your continued support!