What's a girl to do? My body is in so much pain- I've just been so stressed out and I literally feel like a twig about to snap. I need a massage, or a lobotomy...can't tell which...
Either way- I have so much to do and think about but I just want to stay in bed. My son is the only thing that gets me out of bed right now... I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him smiling and running around.
It's time for some major life renovations...like getting a job and learning how to be on my own. Where to start though? *ARGHHHH!*
Either way- I have so much to do and think about but I just want to stay in bed. My son is the only thing that gets me out of bed right now... I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him smiling and running around.
It's time for some major life renovations...like getting a job and learning how to be on my own. Where to start though? *ARGHHHH!*

I know that feeling that you're talking about so well...it sucks

I always like to start turning my shit times around with a first bold step. Nothing huge sometimes it is just saying "OK I am going to get off my ass now" and sometimes that leads to other more productive things, sometimes it leads o sitting back down but change follows doing. Obviously I do not know your specific situation but your sentiments ring in my ears like echoes of my dark times past. Keep your head up.