Time to put my man pants on and start dealing with life head on... No more pampered little TnT, as the hubby is AZ working, I have a 2 year old to handle (and even potty train- wtf?! NO IDEA how that one is going to go 

), AND my class/ test to finish up before moving to goddamn Hell on Earth...And I don't mean "Hell" as in "bad"- i mean "HOT AS MOTHER- FUCKING HELL!!" 

A new start will be good but, getting there mid-August; well, with my complexion, it is safe to say that I am going to roast like a Christmas Ham! I am nervous but have found a little bit of my old courage and resolve.
One thing though, no more chat for me....It tends to turn my brain to mush...that or the alcohol
but either way, part of changing is realizing when your being an ass. No offense meant to ANY chatters- i love many of you...just something i have to do!
more soon,

A new start will be good but, getting there mid-August; well, with my complexion, it is safe to say that I am going to roast like a Christmas Ham! I am nervous but have found a little bit of my old courage and resolve.
One thing though, no more chat for me....It tends to turn my brain to mush...that or the alcohol

more soon,

I'll certainly miss you in chat, but I'm sure I'll end up visiting you or you'll visit me at some point.

good luck on mom-ing up and kicking some life ass. I don't chat mostly because whenever I go check it out no one I know is on and I can't seem to jump in the mix.