I am cleaning and patiently awaiting the lovely Lady L *fingers crossed* (she SHOULD be here tonight- if not, there'll be HELL to pay!!!
)...and my hubby is coming back with some treats for us to enjoy tonight...
I've got the Jager and Red Bull...some Heineken Light (ask them- not me
)...what is missing here...? VAGINA...yup! that's the ticket!
my apologies, but living where I am now- I am grateful to see any female with teeth...
OH! And hey guys!!! LOOK!!! I'm getting my cleavage back!!!
Well- sort of, but: I'm workin' on it- and words of encouragement welcome!! 

I've got the Jager and Red Bull...some Heineken Light (ask them- not me

OH! And hey guys!!! LOOK!!! I'm getting my cleavage back!!!

And you are, as always, gorgeous.