Lionize v: 1. to treat as an object of great interest or importance 2. Brit: to show the sights of a place to
The qualities that earn the lion respect from other creatures were probably in people's minds when, in the 18th century, "lion" came to be used for a person who is similarly well-regarded- especially after a long and distinguished career in a particular field. A veteran lawmaker, for example, might be considered one of the lions of the Senate. This sense of "lion" from the basis of "lionize," which first appeared in English in the early 19th century.
Lionize v: 1. to treat as an object of great interest or importance 2. Brit: to show the sights of a place to
The qualities that earn the lion respect from other creatures were probably in people's minds when, in the 18th century, "lion" came to be used for a person who is similarly well-regarded- especially after a long and distinguished career in a particular field. A veteran lawmaker, for example, might be considered one of the lions of the Senate. This sense of "lion" from the basis of "lionize," which first appeared in English in the early 19th century.