this morning is just screwed six ways to sunday... effin' snow! the hubby and i sleep through the alarm, my basement flooded last night (discovered this morning by me), i have no Monster energy drink, and I'm fucking pissed about it! Now I have to go the damn store and I really don't want to

On another note, I am almost finished with my first dream catcher...i'll post pictures later, and once a get a small collection started, i'll be putting them up on my Etsy....tonight, I have to find some supplies and start in on the bracelets for my grandmother...
Oh, and yes...I still want to learn has stuck for more than a day...this is SERIOUS!

On another note, I am almost finished with my first dream catcher...i'll post pictures later, and once a get a small collection started, i'll be putting them up on my Etsy....tonight, I have to find some supplies and start in on the bracelets for my grandmother...
Oh, and yes...I still want to learn has stuck for more than a day...this is SERIOUS!

Hope your day gets better 

Omg shit....basement flooded!!! That sucks ass!!!