I think it's pretty safe to assume that everyone, at some point or other, has suffered one of their favourite bands breaking up, and maybe have never really recovered. A band that they would do just about anything to hear one more record, or perhaps see live. For me, the band that comes to mind more than any other is Whippersnapper. And this is their best album. . . "fresh" is one of the words I would use to describe it, along with "faultless."
--- Punknews.org -- Recently revisited review of Whippersnapper's "The Long Walk"
"Forever" -- mp3 sample
Songs available on Pure Volume
(If you go to the Pure Volume site, listen to "A New Chapter", "The Long Walk" and "Blinded", first!! )
Whippersnapper on MySpace
Whippersnapper interview/video
Buy "The Long Walk" at Amazon.com
Long, personal, honest interview after the break-up
So why the homage? Because the boys are getting back together... it's not a reunion tour, it's just a few shows (probably under a fake name) to have a little fun... but yeah... I'm really freakin' excited -- and you should be too. This really, truly has been one of my dreams for quite some time now, and I'm so glad that they are going to do this.
Also, if you're coming to Charlotte for SG Burlesque, tomorrow, I'll see you there -- woo hoo!