Hello! Happy new year's eve.
2010 has been a big year for me. In almost every way I am living the life I have always wanted to live. I've also done things this year that I never expected to do.
-I got flowers on Valentine's day from my dude
-I quit my purchasing job at a biotech startup, which was a good job in many ways but which I, for a variety of reasons, hated.
-I went to Australia for a month. I met many amazing SG people from the land down under, and also met and became close to many of Mr_Reliable's relatives and friends.
-Upon our return I worked as a temp for a few months, hating it immensely. I have come to the conclusion that I need to work my ass off to never be chained to a desk again. Many people have fulfilling office jobs which they enjoy; I cannot be one of them.
-The affore-mentioned reliable one's son turned 21 and we went to Las Vegas to celebrate.
-I got a bartending job! I've always wanted one but for many years just didn't think I could get one, because it seems like such a closed club. My job is not perfect but it is pretty great, and I enjoy the work more than I have ever enjoyed work.
-I sent a query letter and sample of my writing to an agent. She rejected me, but that's okay. I had never done that before and obviously it's sort of mandatory that I start doing it if I am to ever be a professional writer.
-I determined that I am most likely lactose intolerant! Yay. Since I used to subsist mainly on cheese I thought this would make me miserable, but it's been actually sort of great so far.
So. That's my year in a nutshell, at least what comes to mind as I sit here watching Party Down.
I will not be going out tonight because I have a cold but I wish you all a lovely evening. Drive safely and don't get shot.
2010 has been a big year for me. In almost every way I am living the life I have always wanted to live. I've also done things this year that I never expected to do.
-I got flowers on Valentine's day from my dude
-I quit my purchasing job at a biotech startup, which was a good job in many ways but which I, for a variety of reasons, hated.
-I went to Australia for a month. I met many amazing SG people from the land down under, and also met and became close to many of Mr_Reliable's relatives and friends.
-Upon our return I worked as a temp for a few months, hating it immensely. I have come to the conclusion that I need to work my ass off to never be chained to a desk again. Many people have fulfilling office jobs which they enjoy; I cannot be one of them.
-The affore-mentioned reliable one's son turned 21 and we went to Las Vegas to celebrate.
-I got a bartending job! I've always wanted one but for many years just didn't think I could get one, because it seems like such a closed club. My job is not perfect but it is pretty great, and I enjoy the work more than I have ever enjoyed work.
-I sent a query letter and sample of my writing to an agent. She rejected me, but that's okay. I had never done that before and obviously it's sort of mandatory that I start doing it if I am to ever be a professional writer.
-I determined that I am most likely lactose intolerant! Yay. Since I used to subsist mainly on cheese I thought this would make me miserable, but it's been actually sort of great so far.
So. That's my year in a nutshell, at least what comes to mind as I sit here watching Party Down.
I will not be going out tonight because I have a cold but I wish you all a lovely evening. Drive safely and don't get shot.
Goddamn, that must be nice. Seriously!
Hey, at least you have a job.