Cats 'n Kittens,
A fact about my fine self...
I often make people feel uncomfortable because I either talk about how a) great I am or b) much of a piece of shit I am. I don't mean to, but people make me uncomfortable, so I either bring myself up or put myself down compulsively. It's weird. It might be why I have NO FUCKING LIFE.
If you look at my sentence thing next to my screen name and get it, I'll marry you.
Y'know how they have all this Second Chance Sunday jazz goin' on? Yeah, sure you do.
Well, make some epic statements that get this set to go live or pink or whatever the fuck slang they use to express "We payed for this shit."
Martini - The Waiting Game

a) She's cute as a button
b) Her piercing blue eyes captivate me
c) It's a great set
Yeah, just do it.
If you can watch American History X and not be moved to the very core of your being, you are not human.
I would go as far as saying it's one of the top 10 movies every made, in terms of writing, acting, direction and meaning.
I think it should be shown to every grade 9 class.
P.S. School is really fun when you're old. But my lab partner is a big prick who thinks anyone who doesn't 90% in everything is an idiot. He also won't help anyone who asks him a question, and I end up fielding it. 'Cause I'm nice, and people who try deserve help. But he works hard, so I'm gonna keep workin' with him.
P.P.S. I have a test coming up on Tuesday in Digital Electronics, and I'm pretty worried about it. Anyone know about Boolean Algebra? It's fucking confusing.
P.P.P.S. I'm back to using "P.S.'s" way too much. I don't know why...
P.P.P.P.S. I can't wait for SG bowling. I need some sort of social outlet, even it is for only one night. Everyone I know is nothing like me, and I'm having troulbe keeping conversations going with "normal" people (when you think Satanism is the "most noble faith" (I've said that countless times), you tend to put people off). I'm too old to be this childish. And in love with gore.
More "Ps" and then a "S:" I can't use slang. I just can't. I use big words and cuss like a motherfucker (who I can only assume cusses a lot), but sound like a chump if I use slang.
And I edited this journal no less than 6 times. No shit.
A fact about my fine self...
I often make people feel uncomfortable because I either talk about how a) great I am or b) much of a piece of shit I am. I don't mean to, but people make me uncomfortable, so I either bring myself up or put myself down compulsively. It's weird. It might be why I have NO FUCKING LIFE.
If you look at my sentence thing next to my screen name and get it, I'll marry you.
Y'know how they have all this Second Chance Sunday jazz goin' on? Yeah, sure you do.
Well, make some epic statements that get this set to go live or pink or whatever the fuck slang they use to express "We payed for this shit."
Martini - The Waiting Game

a) She's cute as a button
b) Her piercing blue eyes captivate me
c) It's a great set
Yeah, just do it.
If you can watch American History X and not be moved to the very core of your being, you are not human.
I would go as far as saying it's one of the top 10 movies every made, in terms of writing, acting, direction and meaning.
I think it should be shown to every grade 9 class.
P.S. School is really fun when you're old. But my lab partner is a big prick who thinks anyone who doesn't 90% in everything is an idiot. He also won't help anyone who asks him a question, and I end up fielding it. 'Cause I'm nice, and people who try deserve help. But he works hard, so I'm gonna keep workin' with him.
P.P.S. I have a test coming up on Tuesday in Digital Electronics, and I'm pretty worried about it. Anyone know about Boolean Algebra? It's fucking confusing.
P.P.P.S. I'm back to using "P.S.'s" way too much. I don't know why...
P.P.P.P.S. I can't wait for SG bowling. I need some sort of social outlet, even it is for only one night. Everyone I know is nothing like me, and I'm having troulbe keeping conversations going with "normal" people (when you think Satanism is the "most noble faith" (I've said that countless times), you tend to put people off). I'm too old to be this childish. And in love with gore.
More "Ps" and then a "S:" I can't use slang. I just can't. I use big words and cuss like a motherfucker (who I can only assume cusses a lot), but sound like a chump if I use slang.
And I edited this journal no less than 6 times. No shit.
It's not just you, either. One dimensional people tend to get boring quickly, and it's never a good idea to let one's job consume one's life. So, by that definition, I'd still say that the SGTO people are fairly abnormal.
Which means you'll have a pretty good time.