Some generic greeting...
I've been neglecting my lovely eFriends lately! Few comments, no posts, no nothin'! Damn me!
Well, I've been going through everyone's posts and trying to come up with witty and introspective things to say (so don't cross your fingers
) in an attempt to at least have a pseudo social life. Damn my laziness and no putting effort towards meeting/talking/tolerating people! I should change that.
Been applying to schools, so I can go into Medical Labs. Plus, I can afford to support myself for quite awhile, so I'll get away from the job I don't like.
I spent Friday the 13th watching the entire series of movies (expect 5 & 8, which I don't like), which was appropriate.
I love this shot...

Josie is wicked cute.
So, yeah,
A hero fights for the same reason a villian does;
To preserve or enforce a personally held ideal.
The only difference is a matter Of Opinion and Popular Acceptence.
P.P.S. I'm not negative or depressing. There's something about the way I write/think/speak that makes people think I'm on the brink of being suicidal all the time, but it's not like that. I don't sugar coat, and I'm just brutally honest all the time. If you met me and talked to me for awhile, you'd get it. Plus, I listen to way too much ska to be sad all the time! You can't listen to ska and frown at the same time. It's just NOT POSSIBLE! That being said, anyone wanna meet me? I got nothing but time!
I've been neglecting my lovely eFriends lately! Few comments, no posts, no nothin'! Damn me!
Well, I've been going through everyone's posts and trying to come up with witty and introspective things to say (so don't cross your fingers

Been applying to schools, so I can go into Medical Labs. Plus, I can afford to support myself for quite awhile, so I'll get away from the job I don't like.
I spent Friday the 13th watching the entire series of movies (expect 5 & 8, which I don't like), which was appropriate.
I love this shot...

Josie is wicked cute.
So, yeah,
A hero fights for the same reason a villian does;
To preserve or enforce a personally held ideal.
The only difference is a matter Of Opinion and Popular Acceptence.
P.P.S. I'm not negative or depressing. There's something about the way I write/think/speak that makes people think I'm on the brink of being suicidal all the time, but it's not like that. I don't sugar coat, and I'm just brutally honest all the time. If you met me and talked to me for awhile, you'd get it. Plus, I listen to way too much ska to be sad all the time! You can't listen to ska and frown at the same time. It's just NOT POSSIBLE! That being said, anyone wanna meet me? I got nothing but time!

It's funny how the weather has suddenly changed this week. Last week I was wearing three layers, and now it seems like a distant memory. I hope it lasts.
I'd like to meet you, of course, and you really should come to Gala! It will be a good way to overcome your self-professed shyness, and I'm sure that you will have a really good time. I remember going to the event in '05 and being surrounded by a ton of people that I didn't know (I knew a few people, mind you, but not very many), and I left that evening having really enjoyed myself. I also came away with a few new friends and a great desire to become even more involved in the local SG community.
So yeah, you should be there. Or else.