I'm back! And I'm back at work. Boo.
So, highlights of the trip are as follows...
- Great weather. 78-80 degrees the whole time, plenty of sun. Lounging weather, kid.
- Went to Sea World, played with Dolphins. Amazing. If there's another being on Earth with equal or greater intelligence than us, it's Dolphins.
- Deep sea fishing. Didn't get much, but it was a cool experience.
- My whole family drinks like me. Margaritas and beer were a flowing for 9 days straight!
- I found a porkpie hat I love. So I bought it. I'm happy about it.
- The ocean was around 65 degrees! It was the warmest I've ever experienced in Florida!
I stopped being a vegetarian. I know, I'm horrible, but I got really fucking sick of tofu and soy. Fuck it, I believe in the natural order of things, and we're designed to eat meat. I won't feel guilty.
No, I don't have pictures, because I'm retarded and forgot my camera.
Opaque's latest set is kick ass! I love her, she's so friggin' pretty!
Sid, Rigel, Sugar & Mirjana also get a tip 'o the hat from me too. Beautiful ladies all!
I hear livin's a lot like dying,
P.S. Has anyone noticed the proliferation of anuses and vagina close ups in sets recently? I'm not compalining, I'm just noticing things.
Ha ha! I've never used the sentence "proliferation of anuses" before. It was fun!
I work odd hours, too, but I'm sure that we can figure something out. This might also be a good opportunity to do some sort of SGMississauga get together, provided that there are more of us out there.
It's a great community to be sure - but I still don't think that the local group is all that fond of me. It's not that I don't appreciate it, but I can't figure it out. It's not as though I'm particularly active or anything.