Cats 'n Kittens,
I just found out one of my sister's friend did a photoshoot for a Suicide Girl! Funny! I knew she was a phototgrapher, but never really thought about her doing stuff on here.
I feel like a bag 'o shit right now. That's why you don't forget to take Paxil three days in a row. It's not good for you.
P.S. I've said this before, but it bears repeating...
Ladies, go for pap smears (I don't know about spelling, but you get the jist) and learn how to do self breast examinations!!!!
If you do research on cancer, most deaths due to cancer happen by metastized cancers (ie. start in breast, move to lung etc.), and should the primary cancer be found soon enough, it is likely that treatment will be effective.
I know these checks are uncomfortable and inconvenient, but they are SO IMPORTANT!!! I have two sisters, and it would crush me to lose them because they didn't go for their yearly check ups.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE get check ups so any potential problems can be found and treated as soon as possible!!!!
And just because your age makes it statictically improbable, it is not impossible.
Studies have shown that up to 85% of post secondary studets have HPV, which is a precursor to cervical cancer, and detection of this virus is easy, and treatment (I say treatment, because it never goes away. Like Herpes, you get it, and it's with you forever. There ain't no cure) can be administered. This is the virus that causes genital warts (which can be quickly burned off), and causes almost 100% of cervical cancers! Additionally, condoms are not a safe bet in terms of preventing the passage of the virus, because it can move between people just because of the pelvic bones making contact.
Guys, you might have it, and you'll never know. Unless it pops up as warts, it's virtually undetectable on you. So, at some point in your life, you might have given a girl cervical cancer. Dick.
After that speil, no I don't have any STDs, nor have I ever. I think you gotta have sex for those bad boys.
I just found out one of my sister's friend did a photoshoot for a Suicide Girl! Funny! I knew she was a phototgrapher, but never really thought about her doing stuff on here.
I feel like a bag 'o shit right now. That's why you don't forget to take Paxil three days in a row. It's not good for you.
P.S. I've said this before, but it bears repeating...
Ladies, go for pap smears (I don't know about spelling, but you get the jist) and learn how to do self breast examinations!!!!
If you do research on cancer, most deaths due to cancer happen by metastized cancers (ie. start in breast, move to lung etc.), and should the primary cancer be found soon enough, it is likely that treatment will be effective.
I know these checks are uncomfortable and inconvenient, but they are SO IMPORTANT!!! I have two sisters, and it would crush me to lose them because they didn't go for their yearly check ups.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE get check ups so any potential problems can be found and treated as soon as possible!!!!
And just because your age makes it statictically improbable, it is not impossible.
Studies have shown that up to 85% of post secondary studets have HPV, which is a precursor to cervical cancer, and detection of this virus is easy, and treatment (I say treatment, because it never goes away. Like Herpes, you get it, and it's with you forever. There ain't no cure) can be administered. This is the virus that causes genital warts (which can be quickly burned off), and causes almost 100% of cervical cancers! Additionally, condoms are not a safe bet in terms of preventing the passage of the virus, because it can move between people just because of the pelvic bones making contact.
Guys, you might have it, and you'll never know. Unless it pops up as warts, it's virtually undetectable on you. So, at some point in your life, you might have given a girl cervical cancer. Dick.

After that speil, no I don't have any STDs, nor have I ever. I think you gotta have sex for those bad boys.