I complained about going to a family reunion in my last journal, but I was wrong. It was really fun, and I have some really cool family. My Dad's cousin teaches sex ed to elementary students, so you just know she's awsome. Actually, if you grew up on London, Ontario, she probably taught it to you! She's also completely in love with being a Grandmother. She set up all sorts of games and activities for the kids (there was around ten of them), and just beams when she talks about them. It's really sweet.
This might be kinda lame, but my Dad's other cousin's kids (2nd cousins? 1st cousin once removed? Who knows?) made T-shirts with an abreviated family tree on it, and I think that's pretty kick ass. The purpose of the whole reunion was to teach the kids about their family history, and I think it was a booming success. Especially because my Grandmother died a wee and a half ago (my Mom's side of the family, but everyone was really nice about giving condolences etc), and my small family became even smaller (I now only have 5 blood relatives), so it's nice to touch base with these people.
This is their dog:
She was given to the Humane Society by her original owners because she was deaf from birth. Now, I think that's one the most heartless things I've heard, but my Dad's cousin rescued her from the needle, and she's really a sweet little dog.
I HAVE BABY ROBINS!!!! One was born yesterday morning, and the other later on when we weren't here. They're naked and so ugly it's cute. If you whistle, they look up and open their mouths for food. Ha!!

This might be kinda lame, but my Dad's other cousin's kids (2nd cousins? 1st cousin once removed? Who knows?) made T-shirts with an abreviated family tree on it, and I think that's pretty kick ass. The purpose of the whole reunion was to teach the kids about their family history, and I think it was a booming success. Especially because my Grandmother died a wee and a half ago (my Mom's side of the family, but everyone was really nice about giving condolences etc), and my small family became even smaller (I now only have 5 blood relatives), so it's nice to touch base with these people.
This is their dog:

She was given to the Humane Society by her original owners because she was deaf from birth. Now, I think that's one the most heartless things I've heard, but my Dad's cousin rescued her from the needle, and she's really a sweet little dog.
I HAVE BABY ROBINS!!!! One was born yesterday morning, and the other later on when we weren't here. They're naked and so ugly it's cute. If you whistle, they look up and open their mouths for food. Ha!!

ooo cute birdie!!!
thank you for enjoying my new set. it's so hard to NOT smile around lorelei. she just makes my whole month whenever we can get together.