Lets see, just chillin' watching The Voice. Not much has happened since I was last on here. I still am a fireman, still saving lives. I live in the same place. Almost done with school. Still single, ugh.
I am back, at least for a little while. Looks like a lot has changed since I left. I don't know where to start.
Happy New Year!
To all my alcoholic friends out there, DON'T be DRIVING tonight. Yes I am talking to you.
To all my alcoholic friends out there, DON'T be DRIVING tonight. Yes I am talking to you.
Thanks for the advice!! I hope I have time to prepare for it
343+3 Never Forget.
Bored. Surfing through music. Interested in country like Waylon, Alabama, Pat Green, Eli Young Band, Cross Canadian Ragweed, older Shooter, Dierks. Any suggestions?
I love country, mostly all of it 

So it turns out I am horrible at blogs. I never have anything to write about.
Today I was at the local Target amazed at the ever rising cost of razor blades. This is nothing new. I am one of those schmucks that pays the little extra for a nice three blade over a disposable. The first shave feels better and they also last a...
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Today I was at the local Target amazed at the ever rising cost of razor blades. This is nothing new. I am one of those schmucks that pays the little extra for a nice three blade over a disposable. The first shave feels better and they also last a...
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I think one of the silliest things I spend more for is eyebrow waxing. I go to a $13 place, thinking it's better, when I know there are plenty of places charging $7.
Haha, well thank you. Bass huh? Thats pretty cool. Hope it goes well for you. =]
Can't sleep, too hot, I really should look into air conditioning.
You should it makes life so much better.
Phwew... gonna be a crazy night. I love thunderstorms.
Haha. Thanks. I don't want to tell him to sack up because I'm worried he's gonna jump off a bridge.