I have seen God, I have read God's supposed word, and it is printed with hypocrisy and contradiction, bigotry and hatred, innocent blood and unnecessary death, yer god is a sinner, your god sets the example for what we are supposedly forgiven for, blame your god for original sin, blame your god for your ceaseless lack of self-satisfaction. Your god that provides so weel for...
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no, it was a yes. smile
ohhhhh, people post their AIM names under the contact button under their profile pics.
that's why i didn't post it.
Thanks for tuning in kids, the update on your mild-mannered not so superhero is I had a great practice last night, finished a song I have been writing for like a week and it went in a totally different direction than I had planned but it was fucking great.... sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Definately the mix I had intended for the band overall but not expected with...
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glad to hear of your progress... and no, of course you wouldn't be denied to talk to me on aim. my name is fixyourbrows. talk soon.

that's what my mom says... the part about appreciation!

Wednesday night... 10:41... almost done beating onimusha 3, dorkdom... sad... lonely, bored, had a GREAt band practice tonight, wrote a new ending to a song that will cave in skulls and sending children flmaing into the embrace of hell itself... in simpler terms, it's fucking good. Had some laughs with my friends after visiting one extremely ghetto gas station. I miss being held... someone love...
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Sweet! What army?

I have a Space Marine army that's good to go, and a Chaos Lost and Damned that's being constructed (barbarians with shotguns, using marauders and mail order Necromunda pieces).

Cool, huh?
Ahhh... that one.

Dwarves. I have an army of stumpies.
so it's about noon on sunday and I have worked a lot, want to call in sick today so I can practice with my band randomly, I have been reading over glamorama by bret easton ellis again, not as tip top as I remember, rules of attraction was way better. Trying to quit smoking, failing miserably, and thinking that I am ready for a good...
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what the heck is a meat mouth anyway? and my warhammer army could kick your warhammer army's ass! smile

40k? fantasy? what u play?
Where is Davis california in comparison to San bernardino ca? I have a group who really needs more members.


army#1 chaos

army#2 britonians

army#3 empire


army#1 chaos

army#2 imperial guard

army#3 sisters of battle (YEAH!)

well, I saw thrice and the other worthless bands that played, it was great, i met them after the show and talked about a lot of stuff. I found out they are going into the studio this fall or winter to record a new album due out in late spring or early summer and then sometime in the near future they will be touring with...
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mm we have a few of the same favorite bands. lovely. love i LOVE your avatar strictly cause you have on a cky button. skull

p.s. i saw damien rice back in the winter. ive been so several amazing performance such as co&ca, but damien fucking blew me away! i was front row and he was beautiful. they sounded better live than the actual album.

[Edited on Jun 06, 2004 11:22AM]
what were the other bands? i saw thrice back in october. im not a fan of theirs but i do have to say they fucking rocked.
life has meaning, things are beautiful, I am FUCKING GLEEFUL, I see thrice tomorrow, a band I have loved for like 5 years now, God help us all, I think I may fucking spontaneously combust tomorrow after this show and i am hanging out with them before the show... seriously.... nothing can compare until I either get married or get a record deal.... sweet jesus,...
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i saw them twice and they rocked both times!!!! i hope your experience seeing them live is as good as mine was. well of course yours will be wayyyyyy better than mine because you're gonna get to kick it with my husband (teppe)!! mad i had plans of taking my gibson SG to get signed by him, but i knew it wasn't gonna happen and i didn't want to get stuck holding it all night or getting it jacked. well, i'm glad life is this good for you man. FUCKING THRICE!!!!!!! do me a favor please!!!!! take some pics for me. they are by far my favorite band and i would die if i had some pics of my hero teppe. if you can do this, you will make someone's lifetime! kiss
So, after having a 4 hour GREAT conversation with my boss and him expressing his undying appreciation for my existence he offered to loan me the money, thank fucking moses that things always seem to keep me alive hahah. I was considering selling musical equipment or my plasma or selling drugs for like a week hahaha just SOMETHING to keep myself alive. Well, it seems...
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You have an awesome boss...consider yourself lucky.
And I totally cared!!! I figured you were smart enough to find a way out of the money problem.

I like Jamba Juice Enlightened smoothies.
Figure out how to make one that tastes like Robek's Guava Lava and I'm yours forever.
hey folks, so I am poor again and I need to find a quick way to make 50 bucks I can make my rent on both my apartment and my band's practice space... if you know any SERIOUS way to help please respond and I am bored too so if you wanna chat on aim message me back-aletterhome
sell your plasma?! it's kind of scary but...
hey folks, I have been out of commision for quite a awhile now, but things are going both good and terrible, not sure I can make rent and rent for our practice space, I have started recording one of my band's CDs, i got my lip pierced, I cut all my hair off... things are just... going. But I have written a few new songs,...
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how can i put this without sounding psycho?

WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?!?!? kiss your taste in music is awesome! anyway, i added you so now we can talk about music and where the hell davis, CA is n stuff. smile
i know where Davis is!
I wrote lyrics to a new song tonight... it's about "holy violence" or people hurting and killing each other because of differing beliefs... pretty brutal as far as wording is concerned and I am going to post it for you folks but here is my disclaimer: I am not opposed to religion, I am opposed to violence by any means, and I do not believe...
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Wow thats really good, I felt ever word of it.

I will be so close to you Monday...I'll be in Vegas..Yay!! kiss