hey, nothing really to report, put myself in some serious financial debt, now I am just in debt to my parents... tired of being poor but looking for a second job, written some great new music, and loving te bands more. Gonna start buckling down and at least recording some solo stuff. Aug is gonna be a great day for shows, killswitch in sac, solo dustin kensrue from thrice in SF. Writing a lot of words down lately too. Trying to just surround myself with as many means to express things as possible.
"we exist within a world that has become insolent with ignorance, arrogant with their lack of cultivation, resulting in their careless advocation of detriment... and the sea of faces we swim through daily are the same people we destroy... the same people we poison and wound... chaos theory... butterfly effect... we nudge a man on the subway... he returns home to hospitalize his wife and child... we cut someone off on the freeway, they are late to work... lose their job... and slit their wrists... we hold every fate in our hands... how do we keep them from sifting through our fingers? Everything has a price... every precious breath.. every waking moment... a price... and my foolish ambitions... my blind persistence to live out my dreams, to let my passions fluorish... leads me into obstacle after another... another cut, another bruise... walking into wall after wall... another broken dream... another crack in my spirit... am i tying my own noose? am I ordering my own execution... am I pitiful? Our hearts have become a novelty, targets of violence, so desperate to better our scandals.. pleading to be victims of abuse. Novels don't share stories of those with boring lives. We prosper in torture. We must broadcast the fragility of our own. But we must also rebuild the engines of our spirits... fueled by hope, powered by the need to create... this is no longer a matter of class and of standard... this is simply what life demands. Happiness is dealt in incriments... in fragments, that when pieced together create a greater understanding... so be anxious but be patient... be restless but be still... but most of all, quest for better, but be accepting and appreciative of what you have been handed... and you shall no be poisoned, your time bomb complexes shall have their resets, and you're heartless will hold strong..."
not that great, but it portrayed my feelings...
oh well kids... work, then drunken texas hold 'em... enjoy your lives.
"we exist within a world that has become insolent with ignorance, arrogant with their lack of cultivation, resulting in their careless advocation of detriment... and the sea of faces we swim through daily are the same people we destroy... the same people we poison and wound... chaos theory... butterfly effect... we nudge a man on the subway... he returns home to hospitalize his wife and child... we cut someone off on the freeway, they are late to work... lose their job... and slit their wrists... we hold every fate in our hands... how do we keep them from sifting through our fingers? Everything has a price... every precious breath.. every waking moment... a price... and my foolish ambitions... my blind persistence to live out my dreams, to let my passions fluorish... leads me into obstacle after another... another cut, another bruise... walking into wall after wall... another broken dream... another crack in my spirit... am i tying my own noose? am I ordering my own execution... am I pitiful? Our hearts have become a novelty, targets of violence, so desperate to better our scandals.. pleading to be victims of abuse. Novels don't share stories of those with boring lives. We prosper in torture. We must broadcast the fragility of our own. But we must also rebuild the engines of our spirits... fueled by hope, powered by the need to create... this is no longer a matter of class and of standard... this is simply what life demands. Happiness is dealt in incriments... in fragments, that when pieced together create a greater understanding... so be anxious but be patient... be restless but be still... but most of all, quest for better, but be accepting and appreciative of what you have been handed... and you shall no be poisoned, your time bomb complexes shall have their resets, and you're heartless will hold strong..."
not that great, but it portrayed my feelings...
oh well kids... work, then drunken texas hold 'em... enjoy your lives.