life has meaning, things are beautiful, I am FUCKING GLEEFUL, I see thrice tomorrow, a band I have loved for like 5 years now, God help us all, I think I may fucking spontaneously combust tomorrow after this show and i am hanging out with them before the show... seriously.... nothing can compare until I either get married or get a record deal.... sweet jesus, I am ecstatic, and acting immature... I apologize....... YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw them twice and they rocked both times!!!! i hope your experience seeing them live is as good as mine was. well of course yours will be wayyyyyy better than mine because you're gonna get to kick it with my husband (teppe)!!
i had plans of taking my gibson SG to get signed by him, but i knew it wasn't gonna happen and i didn't want to get stuck holding it all night or getting it jacked. well, i'm glad life is this good for you man. FUCKING THRICE!!!!!!! do me a favor please!!!!! take some pics for me. they are by far my favorite band and i would die if i had some pics of my hero teppe. if you can do this, you will make someone's lifetime!