Well now that I have had my endless rant... I would like to state that I am actually a mildly cheery person, I enjoy laughing and goofing around and making other folks laugh.Now, my birthday is on January 9th and I am going to a RIDICULOUSLY good vegan chinese place in San Francisco which makes me happy, now if I was only getting a SINGLE present for my birthday I would be happy, so anyway who wants to order this for me is more than welcome, I want the DVD of Love & Sex, with Jon Favreau and Famke Jaansen (spelling?), You can mail it here:
4501 Alhambra Dr.
Apt. 106
Davis, Ca
That would seriously make my life.
And maybe if someone wants to buy me another copy of Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis cuz I might just mail it to the singer from Thrice.
Anyway, I got a credit card.... and I might buy a guitar amp on it... how stupid... but I need a fucking amp! My Christmas was miserable, I ate Jack in the Box, beat a video game I had been playing for sooo long (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic), and bought myself a few CD's... how lame. But oh well, I just wish i would have had someone to makeout with while they were in their underwear and then fallen asleep next to. What can i say? We all have those lame, needy, romantically starved moments.Oh well, hope your folks Christmas went better.
Yours Truly,
john borba of "the mission: carpathia"
4501 Alhambra Dr.
Apt. 106
Davis, Ca
That would seriously make my life.
And maybe if someone wants to buy me another copy of Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis cuz I might just mail it to the singer from Thrice.
Anyway, I got a credit card.... and I might buy a guitar amp on it... how stupid... but I need a fucking amp! My Christmas was miserable, I ate Jack in the Box, beat a video game I had been playing for sooo long (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic), and bought myself a few CD's... how lame. But oh well, I just wish i would have had someone to makeout with while they were in their underwear and then fallen asleep next to. What can i say? We all have those lame, needy, romantically starved moments.Oh well, hope your folks Christmas went better.
Yours Truly,
john borba of "the mission: carpathia"
and ridiculously good vegan chinese food is GREAT!
i wish i had a car so i could go to niagara falls, On ... because there is a KICK ass restaurant there.
happy super early birthday.
id send you a gift ... but both my credit cards are maxed.
im broker than you!!
what kind of word is broker anyways? i think the way im using it, it belongs with stupider
[Edited on Dec 26, 2003 6:45PM]