The Continuing Saga of Keiths Odd Love Life
I decided to make the whole thing a race, the first woman to claim me wins. Except for the small problem that none of them did. It seems fairly certain that none of the women in my life, care very much whether Im present or gone forever. Throughout this mess, I have really been blaming everyone except for myself. But I realize now that I have not behaved very well at all. Actually, what I mean to say is I have not been myself. I have let loneliness stop me from doing the right and sensible thing, and I have hidden under "carpe diem" as my excuse. I have to accept that these are all bad choices and walk away, be strong, and just wait for a real opportunity. No matter how bleak it may seem. I met a nice person the other day but really could not do anything about it because of these other women. But, once again to be fair, I think Im doing harm to them as well. Maybe they are just using me as a self esteem boost or whatever, but I think that Im a bad influence on them as well. So I really just need to get back to the sort of person I was before, I made that first trip downstairs to Jackies apartment, and opened Pandoras box. All I really want is a nice, healthy relationship. Is that so fucking hard?
I decided to make the whole thing a race, the first woman to claim me wins. Except for the small problem that none of them did. It seems fairly certain that none of the women in my life, care very much whether Im present or gone forever. Throughout this mess, I have really been blaming everyone except for myself. But I realize now that I have not behaved very well at all. Actually, what I mean to say is I have not been myself. I have let loneliness stop me from doing the right and sensible thing, and I have hidden under "carpe diem" as my excuse. I have to accept that these are all bad choices and walk away, be strong, and just wait for a real opportunity. No matter how bleak it may seem. I met a nice person the other day but really could not do anything about it because of these other women. But, once again to be fair, I think Im doing harm to them as well. Maybe they are just using me as a self esteem boost or whatever, but I think that Im a bad influence on them as well. So I really just need to get back to the sort of person I was before, I made that first trip downstairs to Jackies apartment, and opened Pandoras box. All I really want is a nice, healthy relationship. Is that so fucking hard?
thanks for comment my set sweet

hmm.. Thats still going on? wow. I like the title you've given it.