The Quadrangle Saga Continues
Okay, so I put all I had into going for A, ignored B, and told C it was not meant to be. A has now broken up with her bf but we still havent been able to put anything together. During all this mess, my ex who we will call D, reappears and says "Ive made a terrible a mistake life doesnt make any sense without you " blah blah blah. She has crushed me several times so Im quite apprehensive about her. But she has been consistently putting out the good vibes and is going to come and visit in a couple of weeks. And then if all this wasnt bad enough my coworker brings his sister around and we kind of had an instant connection. This has been completely chaste, it has just been chats, phone calls, messages etc. I have no idea how she feels or how i feel. I tried hibernating for a week and I think that helped quite a bit. But when you look at your watch and its Saturday night and youre sitting around by yourself you think, is this realy helping? But I think it did. Im trying to think with my brain and not my penis. Ive been so exhausted from work the hibernation has been a lot easier. I kind of feel like this situation would best resolve itself if one of these women just really went for it. Or maybe I should start over from scratch. I dont know, all I know is that I have felt better about myself sitting at home alone than I did when I was ping ponging all over the place.
Okay, so I put all I had into going for A, ignored B, and told C it was not meant to be. A has now broken up with her bf but we still havent been able to put anything together. During all this mess, my ex who we will call D, reappears and says "Ive made a terrible a mistake life doesnt make any sense without you " blah blah blah. She has crushed me several times so Im quite apprehensive about her. But she has been consistently putting out the good vibes and is going to come and visit in a couple of weeks. And then if all this wasnt bad enough my coworker brings his sister around and we kind of had an instant connection. This has been completely chaste, it has just been chats, phone calls, messages etc. I have no idea how she feels or how i feel. I tried hibernating for a week and I think that helped quite a bit. But when you look at your watch and its Saturday night and youre sitting around by yourself you think, is this realy helping? But I think it did. Im trying to think with my brain and not my penis. Ive been so exhausted from work the hibernation has been a lot easier. I kind of feel like this situation would best resolve itself if one of these women just really went for it. Or maybe I should start over from scratch. I dont know, all I know is that I have felt better about myself sitting at home alone than I did when I was ping ponging all over the place.
thanks for the comment on my pictures lovely! 

thank you doll for the comment on my Sagebrush set. you know how to make me feel so pretty.