Welll as some of you rf you may see I"m back after taking a little trip in te gray dpet. this was unintentionaI asssure you . I dont hafve a computer welll I do now but didn't and was unable to have access to the internet. so therfore it was impossibolle for me to gain asscess to this has happened since my last update. my...
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hey mr mucci
i was sad when i noticed you went gray!
hope things are going well for you...
take care *MUAH!*
well I"m still here folks...sorry its still tough to get to a computer not much going on though so your not really missing out on much. Things are going quite well with the new girl friend friend. I don't know when things will get serious but I'm enjoying the time that we spend together right now.

My sisters marriage is doing a bit better right...
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welcome back smile

you must recognise ms ricci wink
hey there everyone hows it going. I hope that everyones chirtsmas and newyears was off the hizzle for shizzle for rizzle. tongue Anywhoo the reason I havent been around isnt becuase I love all of you any less its simply becasuse my computer died on me leaving me with out my massive song colleciton and all my pics and everything else and lack of funding to...
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goodluck smile

i had a nice new year and christmas.
it was kinda quiet but cool i think.

hope ur doing well despite all.

and be strong biggrin
Well it looks as thought the people at SG have been up too some serous stuff . I personlly like the fact that you casn see the member profile and the number of comments that they have pretty freakin cool.

Well as you may have noticed I Havent been around that much.thats becuase I"ve been in training all week to become a loan officer....thats right...
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wow ur an inspiration story.
especially because of what u went through and now this. i am very happy for you smile

good luck with the job and training.

and also, it was indeed a nice thing what you did for the bird... really. that rocks of u.

wish you well. take care smile
i hope i find a cool enough job biggrin
I hope everyone had a a wonderful thanksgiving...and if anyonoe is still reading my blog at this point I am still in the running for the Loan officer postion..yea me. biggrin Tomorrow I go look at cars, well a car and decide if I want to be reallly broke and buy it. oh well sometimes you gotta crack some eggs to make an omlette. But like...
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mine went well.
hope urs did.

hope all is well too smile
muccinator..whats up bud? long time no speak....hope your doing well!
so the rest of my story if any of you who read this are at all interested. Well SAturday came around and I was in pretty high spirts new job on the horizon my parents had decided not to move, and I was going to get a haircut that day to look all snazzy for my interview. But what came next would be a Giant...
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Had an emotional weekend so far and although its 1130 I'm not saying anythings over yet.

Friday I called another mortafge company for a loan officer poistion that required no experience and talked to the hiring manager for a good 20 minutes. He seemed interested in me and I got an interview Monday (tomorrow) to come dowon take a look at the place and talk...
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Have been having a great week so far. Had some really trippy nightmares last night therfore sleep was a luxury I couldn't really afford.
Today I really have tons to do but I think I"m just going to sit back play with my cat, smoke some butts, have a tv dinner and let the day pass me by.
Oh yesterday I finally emailed that gurl...
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ah, sending those kind of emails is a great way to keep you excited and sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation. biggrin

Sometimes it would take me months to build up the courage before I could send an email off. Sometimes when I would see her response in my inbox, I would not even be able to check it for a day or so. I haven't sent any like that in quite a while...
gluck with the girl.
umm im trying to do my work so i can hang out with some friends later.
i spent some time learning how to drive today and i paid some bills... just fun.
but i guess it's work time now.

ttyl and have a cool rest of the weekend! biggrin
Today can be the first day of the rest of your life if you let it be. Whatever is troubling you, be it bills, love, your own persoanal demons, work or any other thing that may be controlling your life and coming between you and happiness can all be either solved or just "letting go".

In recent weeks, I've quit my job, lost my health,...
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there are are some good brunch spots but they are filled to the gills with hipsters and yuppies and babies now,

Actaully each pic takes no more than about 15-30 mins depending how much detail is needed.
All around uplifting and enthusiastic entry with some personal realizations that some people never get to in their entire lives, but particularly:

"Anthony Mucci captive to his own mind no more"

This is great, man. biggrin

I need to arrive to that point, though for different reasons than you.

[Edited on Nov 12, 2005 1:27AM]
When you've hit rock bottom you have no where to go but up. ooo aaa

I saw saw II this weekend and found it immenstly entertatining. The plot really took off in the second hour.

I didn't get the job at target. I won't let this effect me I'll keep trying to stay ahead by not turning back.

I miss muse25

have a good night all hope...
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Sorry you didn't get the job at Target...maybe something else will pan out. kiss
yeah, I should be able to get on here more now. kiss