I have never felt myself to be attractive. It's probably one of the hardest things that I had to get over in my life. Growing up I had always been very self conscious about my weight and thought I was too ugly to ever have a women of the opposite sex choose me. It wasn't until recently that I started to feel like it was...
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It's always surprising who is willing to say good bye and who conviently ignores you. Since I'm leaving in less then three weeks I thought I would be able to say good bye to a lot do important people on my life. Some friends that I had not seen in a while. That's when I started to be surprised on who was willing so far...
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I was looking at another one of these blog suggestion from Missy and I had an idea. Why doesn't the male side of this have a version for themselves. A lot of us can't become a SG....Whether it be for practical reasons like not have the genitalia or more extravagant reasons....We just can afford the sex change operation (yet). I propose I am going to...
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I wonder if this is my only place to be weak anywhere. I don't allow myself to show anything of this in front of my family, friends or loved ones. So, whoever ends up responding, shaking their head or even reading. Thank you. I may not be a beautiful woman with tattoos but I am a person like anyone else here. Thank you.
Recently I...
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Just listening to music and waiting to go to bed. I really want time to skip forward until I can workout again and turn off my mind for a little bit.
Vance Joy- Riptide. I can't stop listening to this song.
Kings of Leon- Knocked Up.
The Shins- Simple Song
Just listening to music and waiting to go to bed. I really want time to skip forward until I can workout again and turn off my mind for a little bit.
Vance Joy- Riptide. I can't stop listening to this song.
Kings of Leon- Knocked Up.
The Shins- Simple Song
I have a lot on my mind. I just finished my paperwork for leaving soon, rejected by my friend and another strange sensation of rejection.
I guess what bothers me the most right now is my impending leaving. I don't think I am coming back to the home I've lived any time soon. I have been here for near 15 years in the same home....
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This is how I look now. Well, a couple of weeks ago. I am down to 202 from my scale at home. I have the IST in a week that I plan on passing. 60+ situps in two minutes, 5+ pull ups (until failure), then mile and a half run...Which last time I did that was at 10:58. I am hoping to shave off 20
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I thought about sharing some of my favorite music instead of trying to be all serious with my blog.
Cage the Elephant- Come A Little Closer.
Metric - Help, I'm alive. (Acoustic)
Modest Mouse - Little Motel
I have to ask myself why did I decide to join the military and at that the Marine Corps. The physically hardest branch to join that I could decide.
I have been wanting to join the military for some time. It isn't my first option but with the circumstances surrounding my life it's the best choice for me. I have siblings and a future to...
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