star wars.... so beautiful.... no. emoticon. to. express. my happiness.
I like pudding.
I think my brain has started to implode from this job, why? BECAUSE NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE!
and I hate the customers too.
I'm sooo tired. My brother made me wake up at 4:00 am to drive him to the airport on Monday. But then I couldn't go back to sleep, so I stayed up all day playing KOTOR 2.
I hate how you can never REALLY recouperate from lack of sleep. You just get a little LESS tired. ARR!
My roomates' Grandfater passed away on Sunday. He was a cool old dude, but he's had problems with strokes for the past few years, so I guess it was just his time. Brent is feeling a little more pressure from his family as he is the eldest male grandson. He was the only one at the funeral to speak aside from the pastor. I kinda' feel bad for him, his family puts WAY too much pressure on that guy, and he's always getting guilt-tripped into something he doesn't want to do by them. Some day he's going to snap and tell them all to fuck off.
Now that I'm leaving, a bunch of my friends keep calling e-mailing me: "WTF! WHEN ARE WE GONNA HANG OUT AGAIN! WE'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN! DON'T GET TRAPPED UP THERE!"
First off: I hate Alaska, I would never in a million and a half years think about staying up there for more than the minimum ammount of time it took to get my life together.
Second: Why is it people only actively seek to hang out with me when I'm leaving?
god people piss me off sometimes.
I'm tired. I'm going to go get something to eat or something else arrr gonnakillyouallwithyourhatsoninsteadofofflikeadonkeystuckinheatwithapistolforabrainandatincanofbeansheusesascurrency.
star wars.... so beautiful.... no. emoticon. to. express. my happiness.
I like pudding.
I think my brain has started to implode from this job, why? BECAUSE NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE!
and I hate the customers too.
I'm sooo tired. My brother made me wake up at 4:00 am to drive him to the airport on Monday. But then I couldn't go back to sleep, so I stayed up all day playing KOTOR 2.
I hate how you can never REALLY recouperate from lack of sleep. You just get a little LESS tired. ARR!
My roomates' Grandfater passed away on Sunday. He was a cool old dude, but he's had problems with strokes for the past few years, so I guess it was just his time. Brent is feeling a little more pressure from his family as he is the eldest male grandson. He was the only one at the funeral to speak aside from the pastor. I kinda' feel bad for him, his family puts WAY too much pressure on that guy, and he's always getting guilt-tripped into something he doesn't want to do by them. Some day he's going to snap and tell them all to fuck off.
Now that I'm leaving, a bunch of my friends keep calling e-mailing me: "WTF! WHEN ARE WE GONNA HANG OUT AGAIN! WE'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN! DON'T GET TRAPPED UP THERE!"
First off: I hate Alaska, I would never in a million and a half years think about staying up there for more than the minimum ammount of time it took to get my life together.
Second: Why is it people only actively seek to hang out with me when I'm leaving?
god people piss me off sometimes.
I'm tired. I'm going to go get something to eat or something else arrr gonnakillyouallwithyourhatsoninsteadofofflikeadonkeystuckinheatwithapistolforabrainandatincanofbeansheusesascurrency.
however however it's always nice to go home and see the folks!
You can recouperate from lack of sleep - I did it, twice. In 45 hours I only got 4 hrs sleep, 4 the next night.But then I had 10 hrs on the boat back up. Yet I'm feeling woozy as a queered lion - like the one's I owned baby, owned! practising my light saber skillz on. Kittens, hah!
I'm woozy yet I comment on. Get me a medal!