geez louise, im tired today. still not feeling well, but im not as pissed off about it. illness is the body;s way of letting us know that we have become imbalanced. i guess i just need a lot of reminders. i got to work at 5:30 this morning. i felt too icky to go to the gym so i just camein. bonus that means i can legally leave at 1:30
yeah cause im ready for a nap already. tomorrow the day i am going to start the 1 day water fast one day a week. i met a couple that do it every tuesday. i fugure ill try tuesdays too cause it will help psychologically to know someone else is doing it with me. ive fasted on juice plenty of times but never just water. i think im ready for it though. im tired of having such a weakened immunity. ive got to cleanse my systems and strengthen my chi. alright, im ready to go back to bed now. lots of love.
I hope that you get feeling better soon, a fully charged Retronerd is an awesome experience, and like you, cant wait to chill again soon.
Glad you liked the new artwork, and quit thanking me for coming over last night, i got the better end of the stick, i got to hang out with you, Dalonghair and buddha, plus you in your PJ's again payment recieved in full.
Take care sweety, get some rest, you are gonna need it Saturday